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  1. B

    How do you cope?

    I'm curious about those of you who have not seen your child for years. How do you cope? How do you not hope every day that this will be the day you will hear something from them? How do you cope with the grief?
  2. B

    Missing Person Report results

    Well, we haven't heard from our son, Josh, in two months. I called the Pheonix police, yet again, and filed a missing person report the other day and prayed that someone would come across him. Today, my husband got a phone call from an officer, stating that Josh had been seen last night after...
  3. B

    A Brief Message to All of You

    Hey's Christmas morning, and after re-reading some of my previous posts and your responses, I just wanted to tell each of you that I appreciate you so much. I wish we weren't part of this horrible "club" but since we are, I wanted those of you who have responded recently to my posts to...
  4. B

    I need your feedback, counsel, suggestions, etc.

    Four weeks ago, I made a missing persons report to the Phoenix police department. A week later, an officer called to say that he had had contact with our son while our son was shoplifting in a downtown store. He sent me a photo of Josh, and it was difficult to look at. Since then, my husband and...
  5. B

    Having trouble detaching

    I could really use some feedback on how to detach from an adult child with mental issues/addiction. Our son, Josh, 33 yo, is homeless in Phoenix, with no phone, no I.D., and we haven't heard from him in almost three months. Some days I manage to deal with it okay, but then other days I feel like...
  6. B

    Three Years update

    Hi, some of you may remember me but if not I will go over our circumstances: We have an adult son, Josh, 33 yo, adopted, biracial son, living in Phoenix, Az currently. He moved there in June of 2020. We have been dealing with mental health issues from him for about the last ten years or son...
  7. B

    Just a hello

    Good morning all---I have missed all of you. Just a quick update---The last two months have been rough. At the end of July I had a kidney stone that had to be removed and I spent a couple of weeks recovering from that. I have been working many hours at a local Walmart, hating every moment of it...
  8. B

    Just a quick check-in to say hi

    Hey everyone, Sorry for my absence. We have been in the midst of closing on a house out of state and it has been very stressful; as well as packing up our house. We are loading up tomorrow morning and heading for Georgia. I will be out of commission for probably a week, just trying unpack and...
  9. B

    Feeling a little sad

    Just got back from taking Josh to the airport for his flight to Phoenix. Fortunately, we had a good parting. I really didn't know if he would allow us to hug him or how he would act, but he hugged us and told us he loved us. I let him know that we are here for him. Feeling sad that he chose...
  10. B

    Moving toward grief and depression

    Last time I posted, I think I mentioned that Josh had told us that he would not be moving with us, which was a disappointing surprise. He told us that he had applied for and was approved for a subsidized apartment in....Phoenix, Arizona! Mind you, he knows no one in Arizona; has no car (yet)...
  11. B

    Feeling sad and discouraged

    I'm posting because I feel sad and discouraged today with where we are with our son, Josh. He's been at our home now for two months and says he is not moving with us once we move, and is, in fact, planning on leaving at the end of May; he knows not where. I feel sad and heartbroken because it...
  12. B

    Quick rant

    So my husband took me and our DS, Josh, out for lunch yesterday, using his birthday money. Not a word of thanks from Josh. This morning, I'm making him a batch of homemade cookies, in an attempt to make him feel welcome and cared for. I happen to mention that I'm going to go to a food bank and...
  13. B

    DS two week update

    Hey all--we're trying to help Josh get his Drivers License. I took him yesterday for his eye exam and he got contacts. We went to the DL office. He passed the eye exam, but failed the computer exam. He went home and studied the manual and is going back today to retake it. I would appreciate any...
  14. B

    major development with DS

    I'm at work so I can't spend a lot of time explaining, but just a short update: Josh texted us Tuesday night and said he had nowhere to go and needed a place to stay and could he come here with us. We got him a hotel room for the night and something to eat, bought him a ticket, and he arrived...
  15. B

    Book recommendation

    Hi all--Just wanted to mention that I came across a book written by Melody Beattie, the author of Codependent No More. Her second book is called "The Grief Club." I didn't know she had even written another book and just happened to see this at the library. It's described as partly a self-help...
  16. B

    DS totally and suddenly silent

    I'm a little worried today. Josh has not sent any ranting texts for over a week and has not responded to any of my text messages or phone messages. His phone shows activity on it, and he's not listed in the Denver jail so far. I'm not sure what to think, but I do tend to go "worst case...
  17. B

    Feeling low today

    I've been struggling a lot lately (depression?). Our DS is still being toxic and verbally abusive from long distance. Every once in a while, not often at all, I will get an apologetic text from him, but within 24 hours or less, he reverts back to his namecalling, abusive speech. It's like the...
  18. B

    Trying to hold it together

    Our youngest son just left to return to his home after staying several days. I am so grateful for the time we had together, but it is so hard to see him go. He is planning on moving across the country in March, so it's doubly hard. Our oldest son, Josh, is alone today. We have decided not to try...
  19. B

    Still hanging in there

    I've been reading many of the posts here lately. I don't always respond, but I want you each to know how much I appreciate your wisdom and caring for me and toward one another. And my prayers are with you. On Thanksgiving eve, my husband and I were driving to where our youngest son lives to...
  20. B

    Has anyone read this book?

    Have any of you read the book "Done With Crying" by Sheri MacGregor and if so what did you think of it? I was thinking of getting it.