
  1. T

    Some non-critical advice wanted

    I just want to ask that people dont critize me or put me down, call me names or dis-credit my parenting. Trust me I feel bad enough and didnt come here for critism, I came here for support. So I dont know how to deal with my emotions about having a little boy living in my home who has ADHD, ODD...
  2. TerryJ2

    He's up again

    difficult child had a cup of coffee tonight at the school science expo. I was very upset with-him but didn't let it ruin the evening. We gave him his Vistaril and 1/2 clonidine but he is still awake. I just caught him watching TV. He is reading now. He has a huge math test tomorrow. In a nice voice, I told him...
  3. L

    14 year old aspergers child

    Hi. My name is Sarah. I have two sons, 14 and 12. The older one has aspergers, diagnosed (finally) at age 12. Till then they called it ADHD. It seems to be much more than either of these. He has many services, has been on many medicines, and is still out of control. He does and says...
  4. crazymama30

    The other shoe has flown

    ok, weird title. There was a post earlier about how when a difficult child is doing really well, we get suspicious and wait for the other shoe to drop. It dropped. The little bugger took his patch off at school this morning. He was so out of control this afternoon at dismissal time the teacher had to...
  5. MrsLewis

    Hello from South Carolina

    :happy: Greetings! I'm Michelle... I have a 16 year old who has ADHD, ODD and Asperger's Syndrome (some forms of all but not all inclusive). Some days it's easy and others are a real challenge. The biggest obstacle seems to be his inability to effectively socialize properly. We've been through...
  6. R

    difficult child acting no different off his medications??

    Ok, so Ive been taking in everthing thats been said to me about difficult child being on stims and if he is not accurately diagnosis'd (adhd/odd) than stims are actually not helping him. The psychiatrist has told me before that he could go all weekend without the medications if needed ( when he goes to bio dad's because bio...
  7. P

    I Need Some Help

    I am in need of some help. I have a 9 year old difficult child who is causing some problems. He has ADHD and I'm thinking maybe some ODD also. He has been very aggressive and just down right mean to his brothers and sisters, and me too. Right now he is one zoloft and adderall. Anyway, when I was taking him...
  8. barbie

    Clueless and Confused

    Just my luck, you know, my case was assigned to someone who was out sick!!! I called SS Admin and was like I had a telephone interview at 2pm and its now 245 and noone has called. They finally called something like 3pm. The psychiatrist, changed Eric from dexadrine to clonodine 0.1mg 1/2 tab...
  9. T

    medication question

    Hello everyone! I have a question about a medication called Clondine (spelling) My 5 year old is currently not on any medication for his ADHD, and I had read on another website that Clondine can be used in ADHD cases and it could be taking during the day (I have always heard it was used at night...
  10. TerryJ2

    A perfect birthday party!

    difficult child had his birthday party yesterday. We went to a laser place and there were 10 boys. They rough housed a bit, but nothing out of the ordinary. I made a special pizza for difficult child but he didn't eat at all while the other kids ate their pizzas. He did eat some cake, though. Oh well. I let him open his...
  11. tinamarie1

    Any suggestions about new medications?

    We are going to a new doctor today to look at putting difficult child back on medication. So far, his only diagnosis has been adhd and impulse control disorder. He has not been on medications since he was 6 yrs old and he is almost 10 now. The ones we tried before were: adderall, adderall rx or xr?, depakote and strattera...
  12. TerryJ2

    difficult child's new psychiatrist

    Turned out that difficult child had a field trip yesterday until 4:30 so I went to his new psychiatric by myself. It turned out better that way--he would have interrupted us and denied everything. :) I had a ton of paperwork and history to give her and she was very interesting. Of course, she has an accent...
  13. mum2JK&TH

    Tomorrow will bring a new adventure...

    And one difficult child is actually excited about. Maybe I am a glutten for punishment and remind me in a week or so why exactly we are doing this, but difficult child will be going off his medications starting tomorrow. He will have to continue with one of his clonidine tablets for a week or two as it needs to be weaned off...
  14. T

    Quick Question on ADHD medications

    My 6 yr old son has been diagnosed ADHD. Atm he is being treated with 20 mg of Ritalin LA and 10 mg Chlonidine at night to peal him of ceiling into bed. Since upping the dosage to 20 mg there seems to be more agressive traits coming out. For example, in Summer School, when asked to come...
  15. TerryJ2

    difficult child sneaking up in middle of the night

    difficult child has only been on Zoloft for 2 days, so I don't think that's it. He has been getting up in the middle of the night and playing PS2, and sneaking snacks. I thought I had hidden anything with-wheat and oats in my locked office. I think these things have babies in the middle of the night. When you...
  16. change

    Experience with Lexapro & Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)?

    Hey All, Was out of town and stayed off the internet all that time. Was wierd. Anyway, I'm back! :winking: Missed y'all too!!! My daughter is switching from Effexor 75mg to Lexapro 20mg. Supposedly to help her Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). She also switched from ConcertaXR to AdderrallXR, and Topomax to Lamictal...
  17. Karen & Crew

    How do you know (m., long)

    Its been a while since I've posted as things have been not too terrible since the Asperger diagnosis but things seem to have gone from bad to worse in what seems like overnight. No idea if my siggy was fixed or not; this site has been giving me grief for almost an hour now but background is difficult child...
  18. Alisonlg

    And the world begins to crumble...

    It's been a while since I've ventured over here. Life was relatively stable with M for a while and C was getting a bit more managable and both started seeing a therapist they like. School started and M was doing really well at school, but occassionally having a difficult time with the "it's so hard...
  19. nvts

    Parenting Explosive Aspies

    Any hints? Suggestions? Ideas? I've done the Ross Greene thing, but this little bugger is figuring out every tactic that I come up with! It also doesn't help that husband and I have different views on parenting. In his defense, he always listens when I speak with him about things...
  20. P

    another medication bites the dust

    HI Just wanted to report on the latest medication trial for difficult child #2 who has Fetal Alcohol Effects (FAE), and is quite impulsive, distractable, and very inflexible when he doesn't get his way. Doesn't really fit the childhood bipolar diagnosis very well, closest thing seems to be what Smallworld talked about a while back of...