
  1. shellyd67

    difficult child and anxiety

    I wouldn't say difficult child has anxiety often but I have now realized what I thought was immature and inappropriate behavior was actually bouts of anxiety. Whenever easy child would get hurt playing, I would be tending to her crying and wiping her scrape and he would come up in my face and ask for a snack...
  2. T

    difficult child's stealing has reached a whole new level - HELP!?

    difficult child escalated with his stealing by opening SO's wallet yesterday and taking $20 from it. difficult child did this while SO was outside working on his car on his day off from work. difficult child was the only one in the house and decided to help himself! We discovered the theft only after he and daughter were picked up by...
  3. JJJ


    Is anyone's difficult child on something for anxiety???? Probably should have asked earlier as I'm leaving for psychiatrist in 30 minutes and he really needs to do something to get Tigger's anxiety under control.
  4. nvts

    medications anyone? HELP!!

    Just talked to the Dean of Students at difficult child 1's school. They're getting worried. He's always been a big talker when it comes to frustration. "I'm going to kill (insert professional here). Yesterday, during a meltdown, he blew up saying he was going to kill the bus driver if he didn't get to...
  5. I

    New here and glad I found you!

    :happy: Wow - I did a search on Trileptal and aggression and found this forum! Hurray! I've never known a place where people can understand what my life is like!! (although I am both married to and mother of a difficult child, so I'm hoping to find someone else who knows how that is - anyone on here?)...
  6. bramblewoodbabydoll

    need advice on handling tantrums

    Firstly an update since last posting about the biodad drinking and driving. X1 agreed to let Sniper move back in with me with little protest. He is seeking treatment also. Sniper has been back a week and things are going fine with him. Sprite has had a few outburst but tonight an all out...
  7. klmno

    Have to go to court, AGAIN.....

    I woke up this morning to the dogs going frantic over someone knocking at the door. I didn't answer, then get a call from a deputy saying he's leaving a summons for court on my door. Fine. I figured it was the show cause filed by the GAL in March finally showing up. Then I remembered that the...
  8. smallworld

    Welcome Julie!

    Julie, I took the liberty of pasting your post into its own thread so our members can welcome you properly: Good Morning everyone, my name is Julie and I am new.I don't even know if I am doing this right because I am really bad at computers.You all seem so kind. I have 2 kids Maddie is 12 and...
  9. Janna

    ADHD medication Advice

    Well, we have an appointment with the Partial psychiatrist Friday for Dyl. I haven't kept up to date on all the newest, latest, greatest medications out there for ADHD symptoms - and I'm just lookin' to see if anyone knows anything new or has had luck with something after trying others and having none LOL! Dylan...
  10. Blissful_Betty

    Newbie quest for further answers...

    Hi, I am mom to 4, wife to one and utterly overwhelmed at this point. It feels as if the system and society is failing my son... and I am running out of time and answers. My main question at this time is how to stop an ODD/CD = Intermittent Explosive Disorder (IED) 13yo from defiantly walking out of the house for hours on end...
  11. D

    Dr. Riley checking in

    It has been a long time since I have visited the board. Those of you who remember me will probably assoicate me with my book, The Defiant Child. I am writing let everyone know that this past August my latest book, What Your Explosive Child Is Trying To Tell You, was published by Houghton...
  12. wakeupcall

    How does one not take it so personal?

    difficult child is no better, really, than he was when he was four. He's fourteen now. He doesn't hit, but he pushes me. He picks, picks, picks as if I were his sister (I know you know what that's like..) He NEVER comes home when we say.....anywhere from fifteen minutes late to an hour. I try not to...
  13. K


    What do you think. Several years ago when difficult child had been on Lamictal for 3 years we tried lexapro. Ten mg. difficult child didn't sleep for days. Then psychiatrist added remeron (sp?). Then he was so totally messed up we had to start from scratch. He started back on Lamictal - his request last fall. Not...
  14. BrainGoBoom

    Self-doubt and Adrenaline Crash: We sent our son to residential treatment

    Our difficult child was admitted yesterday for residential psychiatric treatment. This week has been one of the worst in my life. I found these boards this morning and I'm grateful for their existence. I am filled with self-doubt. Did we do the right thing by sending him to a residential program? Will he...
  15. Janna

    So, I Jinx Myself Alot....

    Like, all the time. I came and said how well D was doing, didn't I? :knockedout: Well, he was. And then, a couple of weeks ago, something happened. I don't know what. He started talking - more - alot - like, from wake up til bedtime, it was one very, very long run on sentence that never...
  16. whatamess

    sensory integration dysfunction v. bipolar v. adhd

    Is there a way to tease these diagnosis's apart? Do you think someone could be in such a sensory disordered state that it could appear like mania? Do you think someone could be in a sensory disordered state and it look like adhd?
  17. J

    Has anyone had success with SSRI's the second time around?

    Over the past 3 years, difficult child 2 has tried Lexapro (caused headaches, feeling that something wasn't right), Prozac (couldn't sleep), Zoloft (suppressed her appetite, causing her to lose weight), Luvox (muscle twitches, impulsivity), and Paxil (2 days, raging). Some of her "side effects" like the...
  18. Janna

    Head Went Right Thru The Window

    Yeah. D came home today visibly manic. Eyes bulging, again, flush face, rambling, racing thoughts. therapist at partial said (and his points confirm) a very inconsisent day of up and down behaviors. He was very, very active. He was annoyed there wasn't anything he really likes (there is, but he...
  19. J

    New Dr. New diagnosis

    Just a little update - difficult child was diagnosis'd Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD)-Aspergers today. This new dr is actually good friends with difficult child's original psychiatrist who says he's 99.9% sure difficult child is Bipolar. I haven't been feeling the bipolar diagnosis for a long time, I have more and more felt he was on the spectrum. When he first started...
  20. Janna

    What To Do When There Are No More medications 2 Try?

    Honestly, I think we've done most of them. This is kind of a follow up to the ADHD thing. We did meet with psychiatrist on Friday, and she was gracious (as always) to go ahead with my thoughts on re-trying the Concerta (just one more time, even though we've tried it two or three times, I keep hoping...