
  1. Janna

    So -

    we kicked the Geodon. Was stimulating (I'm laughing, because wouldn't that be typical of my son?). Our choices are, very obviously, limited. The doctor, again (if you remember, he tried this once), suggested the Tegretol. There is an interaction warning with Lithium and Tegretol. After I reminded...
  2. J

    got diagnosis, drug thorazine

    hi so i went to dr. and he diagnosis difficult child with bipolar (not otherwise specified), adhd, and severe anxiety disorder. so there it is my ex husband is screaming and carrying on which is a nightmare for me and additional stress. i think he's going to take legal action against me at this point and try to stop me from...
  3. J

    why can't i medicate? help!

    hi so i was sitting here thinking what's up with me? I have had difficult child on drugs in the past, did the all nighter to watch her first night on them and see how she does, sent her to school after i knew she tolerated it, etc. yet now i find myself in a much different place than before. I went...
  4. J

    seroquel questions

    hi i hope everyone had a good, calm day today :) I have a question, I will be calling doctor tomorrow yet wanted some feedback It's only the 2nd day difficult child's been on 12.5mg seroquel. She tends to react to medication's rather quickly so I wasn't surprised to see a change immediately in her...
  5. Kathy813

    Gift to God

    difficult child and I have talked recently about this online support group and how much it has helped me over the years. She even knows some of the acronyms including difficult child and easy child. We were in the car this morning and were talking about her new job (more on that at another time). An aquaintance of hers...