
  1. buddy

    update on difficult child from Buddy

    That boy is upset and scared! I am a little too. So I have given the medication history how many times now? Now the admitting doctor just called and asked for everything. He said he thinks the concerta is causing the aggression and he wants to start Depakote. I respectfully said no, not right...
  2. Karen & Crew

    How do you know (m., long)

    Its been a while since I've posted as things have been not too terrible since the Asperger diagnosis but things seem to have gone from bad to worse in what seems like overnight. No idea if my siggy was fixed or not; this site has been giving me grief for almost an hour now but background is difficult child...
  3. TerryJ2

    FDA antiepileptic drug warning

    FYI FDA informed healthcare professionals that the Agency has analyzed reports of suicidality (suicidal behavior or ideation) from placebo-controlled clinical studies of eleven drugs used to treat epilepsy as well as psychiatric disorders, and other conditions. In the FDA's analysis, patients...
  4. M

    Another thread about medication reactions

    I generally don't talk about the medications I try because there are always tons of bad experiences out there and I want to keep an open mind about our trial. So we are trying zoloft to see if it won't take the edge off of the anxiety and ocdness. It's been about 4 weeks now. I have decided today...
  5. W

    Lithium question/school suggestions

    Hi everyone: Been a while since I've been on since it's been so hectic at home and work. I thought the best way to do this would be an update and then list my questions. Overall, difficult child continues to do "OK"; basically he stays away from anything that will remotely cause him stress or make him...
  6. totoro

    3:45 K is still up...

    husband and I have decreased K's medications her Geodon by 1/2 from 80mg 40mg and stopped her Neurontin it was down to 100mg once daily. I don't know if the medication change triggered this mood or if it was coincidental? She has not slept, is talking about imaginary friends... right now she is sobbing about her...
  7. K

    What can help difficult child's headaches?

    For years difficult child suffers from bad headaches. He has Advil, excedrin and Midrin at school. Last year he was going to the office daily for medication. End of the year I had to take him to ER, he thought he was dying, couldn't lift his head off the pillow. Only one or two headaches all summer...
  8. totoro

    Nuerontin time...

    So we start Nuerontin tommorow... we are increasing K's Lamictal 100mg a.m. and 100mg p.m. That will be ther maximum amount. We are also starting Nuerontin 100mg a.m. and 100mg p.m. hoping to help with anxiety... we shall see. I found this on the Bipolar Child under treating Anxiety, it made me...
  9. J

    Migraine medications

    easy child started taking Anafranil on Monday. It seems to be helping her Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) a little already but she is still having headaches daily. I called her neurologist to see if there is anything she can take for migraines for pain short term while we figure out if the anafranil is working. He said there is...
  10. totoro

    Stop Abilify, start Geodon... my poor K!!!

    Well K was doing pretty good last week, her first week on Neurontin. She was slightly Labile, tired a bit... then this week she was a bit more labile, tired. She was nodding off in class, awake at night. Not manic or hypo-manic. She was racing a bit... sleeping in, in the morning. Her TD or...
  11. B

    What psychiatric medications have caused bad weight gain for your child?

    For us it was Risperdal, Zyprexa, Depakote, Lithium, Remeron, Trazadene and Paxil/Paroxatene
  12. totoro

    Bye-Bye Tenex & psychiatrist3 said Bipolar!!!

    Well I had a long talk with psychiatrist3 tonight. I had everyday written down and just started reading them off and K's rxn's since starting Tenex!!! I then explained my fears about trying to treat the ADHD symptoms etc. "I would really like to focus on mood stability" He actually said "well with a...
  13. tryingteacher


    Hi all, I have been all over the internet looking for information on Lithium. One of my 5th graders is starting it tonight and I am woried about how it will effect him at school. I was wondering if anyone here has had experience with lithium and tweens? I am really hoping it works for my...
  14. RyMas

    New to site. I need info on Neurontin

    I everyone. I am new to the site and was hoping you could share any information you may have on this drug. My 7 year old was diagnosed with ODD 1 year ago. Things have gotten really bad and his doctor thinks he may be Bi-Polar. I have been holding off on drug treatment hoping things may...