
  1. totoro

    3:45 K is still up...

    husband and I have decreased K's medications her Geodon by 1/2 from 80mg 40mg and stopped her Neurontin it was down to 100mg once daily. I don't know if the medication change triggered this mood or if it was coincidental? She has not slept, is talking about imaginary friends... right now she is sobbing about her...
  2. totoro

    She slept!!!!

    Well we all slept last night... K woke up at 8:30- she fell asleep around 9:30pm so she got a lot of sleep... she had night terrors so it wasn't great sleep but she was alseep none the less. She is awake and angry now... still hypomanic, racing, on edge. Very ODD. Which I thought was gone from...
  3. JJJ

    Need medication suggestion

    I need some medication suggestions that treat depression and anxiety in a teen girl who suffers from hallucinations. diagnosis: schitzoaffective, PTSD, attachment disorder, borderline mentally retarded, emerging personality disorder current medications: Vyvanse, Abilify, Thorazine I know you are not doctors, I am...
  4. totoro

    Hmmm, maybe the Prazosin is working?

    So, like a lot of you, or some of you, I question if some of the medications work at times??? Especially when added on with another medication at or around the same time... We had started Prazosin during K's psychiatric hospital stay when she was trialing a bunch of other medications etc. I was kind of leary about it, it is a...
  5. totoro

    Sound like Blood Pressure???

    K got up this a.m. and was climbing into our bed, to say Hi to Daddy who just got home, she said she couldn't see and felt wierd... she started wretching and threw up bile 2x's, went pale and felt dizzy. I had her lie down on my pillows. I had her head elevated and her feet also. After a few...
  6. totoro


    OK so we are moving at lightening speed with the medications... and because am single Mom this weekend... I have ZERO time to read... trying to catch up on all of the clean up, laundry, re-packing, dead plants, journals etc!!! So psychiatrist3 Difficult Child'd the Clonidine- K was literally passing out around 6-6:30...
  7. S


    Totoro posted about a child on Prazosin. I have never heard of this so I googled it. WOW!! This is a medication that has been used for a long time. The side effect profile is fairly well known. It is fairly safe, at least as compared to many other prescription medications. This medication works to...