
  1. klmno

    prescription medications

    I honestly believe that there are times when people need medications rx'd to function normally. But, am I the only person that believes that sometimes medications are rx'd when they shouldn't be- just because a good therapist can't be found to deal with psychiatric problems so people start thinking medications MUST be needed?
  2. S

    Health problems due to medications?

    Hello ya'll. I need some advice here. My daughter is taking Invega, Clonidine and Topomax for ADHD, Tourettes and ODD. She recently gained almost 10 pounds in about 2 weeks. i noticed a few times lately she has mentioned her legs hurt (growing pains or medication related I don't know) and she seems to be having...
  3. totoro

    Mom shh, I have a secret, we are Super Heroes!

    OK... long night. K has been horrible for months, if you have been keeping track.:dissapointed: Her delusions have gotten so much worse in the past few months. I am trying to keep separate the new addition of Depakote and her "normal" behaviors!!! But, husband left for a week on Monday... she had...
  4. totoro

    I can't eat the Heart Cereal!!!!

    OK so I haven't really posted about K too much because well, she isn't doing well... same old story... she is up to 100mg Topamax, and still at 200mg Lamictal. Yeah I know I don't think these are the medications for here or the right combo. I would like to revisit Trileptal maybe with Abilify and the...
  5. J

    switching doctor's

    hi, so i've thought alot past few days on how to handle stuff with this whole "thorazine" drug that was prescribed difficult child. I did my best, worked it through, read the clinical trials, went to the fda site to view the incedences of the drug. At end of day I am not giving it to her. I contacted her...
  6. klmno

    psychiatrist just added an AD

    psychiatrist added the generic of Cylexa. After 4 days, difficult child will be taking 20 mg/day of it. Does anyone have experience with this? He also raised difficult child's low dose of depakote er to 750 mg/day and kept the lithobid at 1200 mg/day. We will be leaving soon to go sit at the dr's office to get difficult child checked...
  7. change

    Experience with Lexapro & Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)?

    Hey All, Was out of town and stayed off the internet all that time. Was wierd. Anyway, I'm back! :winking: Missed y'all too!!! My daughter is switching from Effexor 75mg to Lexapro 20mg. Supposedly to help her Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). She also switched from ConcertaXR to AdderrallXR, and Topomax to Lamictal...
  8. Steely

    Not such good news for our bi-polar difficult children

    The FDA has just stopped short of black boxing 11 anti-seizure medications claiming that they increase the risk of suicidal ideation. They instead chose to include warnings and send information to all doctors about the potential risks. I think that more than a LOT our difficult children take these medications! I guess just...
  9. Lothlorien

    how many of you started on these?

    I'm curious about how many of us, here on the boards, have started on anti-depressents after dealing with our difficult children? I was told that I have PTSD/depression. This was recently. I started taking Lexapro about a month ago. I was so depressed that I was just crying all the time. After about a...
  10. S

    My first post

    My name is Sherri, I have three children - two daughters (grown, living on their own and doing great!) and a difficult child that will be 20 in June. He is my biggest blessing but also my biggest worry. Anthony is classically Autistic, non-verbal, violent, funny, loving, etc. Gathering from what I've read...
  11. TerryJ2

    FDA antiepileptic drug warning

    FYI FDA informed healthcare professionals that the Agency has analyzed reports of suicidality (suicidal behavior or ideation) from placebo-controlled clinical studies of eleven drugs used to treat epilepsy as well as psychiatric disorders, and other conditions. In the FDA's analysis, patients...
  12. Lothlorien

    A poll on Seizures

    If your child has seizures, do they also have rages? I know there is some debate, regarding this and all of Missy's neurologists poopoo that idea. It was only this last neuro visit that they wanted to do a portable eeg and try to get one of her rages on the eeg. I refused because I didn't...
  13. S

    Welcome new member Joanne K

    Hi Joanne and welcome! You might want to change your user name (up top where it says "user CP") for privacy's sake. I'm copying your post here - usually best to start a new thread with your questions, especially if you're new to the forum. ;) My daughter age 10 has been on depakote for for...
  14. J

    Has anyone had success with SSRI's the second time around?

    Over the past 3 years, difficult child 2 has tried Lexapro (caused headaches, feeling that something wasn't right), Prozac (couldn't sleep), Zoloft (suppressed her appetite, causing her to lose weight), Luvox (muscle twitches, impulsivity), and Paxil (2 days, raging). Some of her "side effects" like the...
  15. Janna

    What To Do When There Are No More medications 2 Try?

    Honestly, I think we've done most of them. This is kind of a follow up to the ADHD thing. We did meet with psychiatrist on Friday, and she was gracious (as always) to go ahead with my thoughts on re-trying the Concerta (just one more time, even though we've tried it two or three times, I keep hoping...
  16. totoro

    psychiatrist called back... hohum...

    So she just called back... She doesn't know if the Lamictal is affecting K. Wants to give it a couple more weeks. Which is fine. I let her know how troubled I was and my concern with all of K's symptoms and how I have no-one to talk to, or discuss if she is OK with... That this can not be good...
  17. Alisonlg

    Met with psychiatrist *finally*

    So we had an appointment with M's psychiatrist Thursday morning... I swear, I don't think he even listened to my message on the voicemail!!! I left a VERY detailed message describing M's "manic" behaviors, etc. and when I got in his office today I had to re-describe it all and when it started and how long it...
  18. C

    New and glad to find you!

    I have a nearly 7 y/o son with ODD, ADHD, and who knows what else...just wanted to add to the archived thread you may have a ...if: You feel better when he takes his medications! I'm sure I'll post a summary soon...first grade starts tomorrow. No surprise- he said he's not going. We retty much...
  19. Alisonlg

    Input on Mood Stabilizers, I'm working on getting an appointment very soon with the psychiatrist to review difficult child and his medications. I really want him OFF the Adderall and I want to discuss alternatives to adding an SSRI (like Zoloft) to his medication plan, which is what they wanted to add early this week. It's pretty obvious that the...
  20. M

    Your experience with medications (7 yr old)

    daughter has a very difficult to manage regulatory processing disorder (here's some background info ) She's been on increasing doses of Abilify for the past year. We know it's helpful because when things start...