a fight in the making


One thing though, those diagnosis's dont really carry a whole lot of weight in the states yet. We have to use the diagnosis's that the schools use and understand

Dear Janet...

There are several difficulties, of course... not the least being that these dxes (Auditory Processing Disorders (APD) and Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD)) don't carry a whole lot of weight ANYWHERE in the world!

But... there are no other dxes that cover these needs. NONE. At least, nothing I can find anywhere, that even begins to address the accommodations and interventions necessary. If anyone out there can help document other ways to get what is needed, that would be most useful.

APDs - especially non-classical forms - are getting almost NO attention anywhere. Interestingly enough, it wasn't a problem 30 years ago... because back then, classrooms were MUCH more quiet, especially when the teacher spoke. Fighting to hear wasn't really a problem. Now... there is always noise. So, kids who can't process background noise go off the deep end... and it get labelled a "behaviour problem". <insert scream>

Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) has a raft of labels that have been used over the years... and a million times that in misconceptions and invalid assumptions. These kids do NOT grow out of it. And no, their work refusal is not a "behavior problem" either.

Therefore, not only am I continuously ON the soapbox, I have had to BECOME the soapbox.

Somehow, somewhere, somebody has to raise the awareness of these hidden disabilities. For now, at least here, I guess that's me.



New Member
It is so true... no one understands how impairing those issues are.
Soap, what you said was/is my whole logic: we have a year to get ready and get as much understanding as we can. But if the teachers don't implement strategies, nobody is learning anything on how to deal with and teach V.
This morning, I realized how limited (intellectually) the teacher is. It was quite sad. I had given $20 to take home the proof of V's school pictures. I then decided on an $11 packet and put the money in the provided envelop. I sealed the envelop. I gave it to the teacher and ask for my money since I had returned the proof. She smiles, nodds and gives me $9. I'm a little surprised and explain that I need $20 back. She looks at me blankly, I try to explain to her the simple math, she ends up opening the envelop in a failed attempt to understand. She actually ended having to ask the director!!! Yes, I have my $20 back but lost all my hope in the process. I'm sure, in 20 years, I'll find this funny... but not today.