A Great Moment for my AS Son!/ Support, Please


Well-Known Member
C'mon ladies! We can and MUST do better. The Pathway School has slipped to 5th place!
Where's your board spirit!?!?!
Go Pathway!!!


I want to give my heart-felt thanks to all of you for your support!

I told my son about all the positive comments the commercial was getting here and asked if he wanted to read them. Of course,he did. He asked what difficult child stood for and when I told him "Gift from God", hesmiled broadly and stated, " That is so great how everyone here thinks of their kids."

I won't tell him of the irony of "difficult child", if you won't! Thanks again!The competition continues for another week,and any continued support is so appreciated!

Sue C

Active Member
I again went to the website to vote and the form does not show. I suddenly thought about pop-up blockers, so I turned off my pop-up blocker. Still did not show up.

I'm sorry. I really want to vote but can't.



Sue, Thanks for your effort! Not sure why you're experiencing this; haven't heard this from anyone else. You're a sweetie to have kept trying!

Pathway is in 6th place ; the students are brainstorming ways to "get the word out" with 6 days left to vote.

One idea the guys came up with was to advertise during the Super Bowl, LOL ! Unfortunately, that didn't pan out! But they're dreaming big!

Thanks again to all you wonderful women !!

Hound dog

Nana's are Beautiful
Hmmmmm, it's taking a while for mine to load too. But what a great thing for difficult child!!! T also enjoyed acting. He loved doing the HS plays and was quite good in them.

We have an old opera house here that is being renovated. The new owner plans to reopen it and have a community theatre among other attractions. I certainly hope so. T would love to get involved with that.

Count on me to vote too. Once I finally get it to load for me. lmao


Just an update and appeal. With 4 more days to vote, Pathway School is in 6th place out of 25 schools. I so appreciate all the support given and ask that if you haven't voted, could you please?

The prize for the winning anti-smoking commercial is an airing on MTV. This would give AS teens a new audience to show what AS teens can do.


Thank you so much -- you all are so wonderfully supportive!

Today is the last day - voting ends at 5pm Eastern time.

My heartfelt thanks to each of you and especially to Tiredmommy who has championed this cause! My son truly appreciates the votes and the many positive comments!

Pathway is a tiny school specializing in Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). They never had made it into this phase of competition before and are thrilled that they are holding their own against schools with a population of 2,000+.

Thank you again!!


Well-Known Member
Well, we're currently at 397 votes for a 50 student school! It would be great if we could manage to hit between 450 and 500. That would send a pretty clear message!