A little literary fun!

Marg's Man

Here the deep-drafted freighters unloaded their precious cargo into barges for the final leg of the grain journey up the Tiber to the silo facilities of the Port of Rome itself.


Active Member
Slsh, I have that book on my desk, along with all my Stedman's, but I got the other closest book (in the kitchen). I never even look at my Stedman's.

Hound dog

Nana's are Beautiful
Jaundice simply means a yellow discoloration of the skin.

Trinity, is that a medical dictionary by chance or textbook?

A star setting in the western sky, at about the same altitude, cam also be used, but in this case the signiificance of any drift is reversed, a southward motion of the star indication too great an altitude of the axis.

Star is that an astrology guide? Or instruction on how to navigate via the stars?


Well-Known Member
trinity is reading: What to expect when you are expecting!!?????

Trinity is reading: Your Newborn: Head to Toe

I'm also reading an Alex Cross mystery, a magazine, 2 daily newspapers and a psychology textbook, but the newborn one was closest to me on the desk.


Well-Known Member
Wow, ThreeShadows, you are good!!! I just grabbed the first thing on the bookshelf, one of the kids read these years ago.


Quid me anxia?
Upallnight, it wasn't hard. One of the blisses of raising kids is that I have learned about new authors who were previously unknown to me. I had never heard about Dr. Seuss until we got the difficult children, now he makes me giddy. Something about the rythm and the odor of your sentence reminded me of husband reading to easy child from the Beaudelaire kids.. What a blessing these three children have been. By the way, Charles Beaudelaire was an author on whom I did an independant study in college. He was so wonderfully decadent and sensual. He was a translator of Edgar Allan Poe. He was crazy in love with his mother, GAG!, but it made for great poetry.


Well-Known Member
"More than you know, Claris. Island life is lonely. And the Haskells are hard-shell Baptists - you don't know what that's like."

After I posted, and put the book down, I noticed that this line has the book title in it. How weird is that?


Going Green
Nuh uh! Don't look at me!!! :rofl: All I did was post about the review site....I did NOT twist your arm to look at it and I didn't force you to sign up! Besides...you love it and you know it! :bigsmile:

Smelly fish! (didn't realize that gets censored now! LOL)...that reminds me. I still have one hanging out there that needs read and reviewed. Hopefully I can get it done before the weekend.


Quid me anxia?
My quote was from Latin For Dummies, and yes it was right within reach. I used to communicate with difficult child 2 in Latin on his myspace because his evil girlfriend always used to make comments on his site. She figured it out though.