Amazingly wonderful news! I can't believe my new status!


Well-Known Member
Thank you all -- it feels so good.

Susie, I was looking at the photos of my visit to the USA and there you were at Fran's home, you are on several of the photos. I'll never forget that evening. It was so exciting to meet "family" members then, and those whom I met still remain special to me on the Board.

Tomorrow my husband and I are travelling to see them. It's quite a journey, but we must get to see her in the hospital and here they only keep you for two days or so after giving birth, even with the first child. So go we must. Oh, I must remember to take my camera -- I'll put it in my bag now.

Love, Esther


Going Green
How wonderful Esther!!! Congratulations to you and the entire family!!! I think it's fabulous that you are a great-grandmother at your're still young enough to really enjoy it! I look forward to seeing all of the pictures!

As for a gift for your grandaughter, something that I've seen a lot of women wear here in the States is a pendant for each child. There are different types....some are shaped like stick figures, some are baby shoes and some are tiny rings but each one represents a child and has the birthstone featured prominently. This is just one example:[DESTINATION]_df&LNM=|B001HNHO30&CPNG=jewelry&ref=tgt_adv_[XSVALUE]

Congratulations again!!! Hugs!


Well-Known Member
Thank you everyone for your good wishes. They truly made me feel really good, and not so awfully old. Just imagine: I am married to a greatgrandfather! Ghastly thought. And my husband is married to a greatgrandmother!

I often think about growing old and how I feel about it. Sometimes I wish so much that I was younger, but then when I look back over the years I really don't want to go through all those terribly difficult child-rearing years again. I suppose it's a good thing that we have no choice! Anyway, I suppose the only way really is to make the best of what we have, which sounds so simple but isn't simple at all.

Anyway, I'll be off now.

Love, Esther


Well-Known Member
I know how much you were anticipating this arrival. How wonderful that the baby is healthy & everyone is eager to share in the future. I have a smile on my face as I type. Congratulations! DDD


call 911

Of course we EXPECT pictures of this lovely little joy! (PICTURES ESTHER....(whip crack sound) :tongue:


New Member
65 you have just begun :)

that's awesome news soo cute you sound soo excited!! Congratulations and i'm sooo sorry i missed this one!!!

post some pics............ i love love babies