ambulance on way. she passed out and can't see.


Active Member
Oh, Geez...I'm sorry to hear this. I have been reading your threads but haven't posted about the latest because I couldn't relate to this type of eating problem so felt I couldn't contribute anything. I hope she gets help thru this but was hoping it could be resolved before getting to this point.

*sigh* Update when you can....fingers are crossed.


Keeping you in my thoughts. I am so glad that she will be getting the help she so desperately needs. No more excuses or delays from medication personel. It's just awful it had to come to this before the professionals could/would do more. I hope that having more intensive intervention will help ease your load.
i'm very sorry to read this--hope she gets better soon, and i hope you get someone to take your concerns seriously.

you are both in my thoughts.


Active Member
I have also been keeping up but am guilty of not replying. I so wish I lived closer and could run over there to spend time helping. I know how scared you must be. You and difficult child are in my prayers.

Use paper and pencil to write everything down. You are so exhausted it will be hard to remember everything nurses and doctors tell you.


This seems to be a wonderful place full of people who can really understand you. Wishing you continued grace under these circumstances and all the best for your child. And prayers. : )
Thinking of both of you. Hopefully this will be the catalyst that is needed to get her the help that she so desperately needs. Put you warrior mom armor on and keep up the good fight.


Well-Known Member
Oh, Jena, I'm sorry that it has come to this. But in a way, it's a good thing. As Farmwife said, there is no longer any excuse for your daughter or her medical personnel to delay action. They're in all in it, now.I second Andy's advice to write everything down. If you're like I am, you'll be totally alert because of the adrenaline rush, and then when you get home and crash, you won't remember a thing. You'll have a couple of business cards and wonder what you're supposed to do with them.Many hugs. I will be thinking of you.