Another letter to Santa


Well-Known Member
As related before, Christmas came early to the village. However, a curious turn of events means that we may actually be here for Christmas, not Morocco. On Saturday we left for the long drive there (planning to stay over at an ex-sister in law in Spain on the way). Life had other plans. When we got to the French/Spanish border in the Pyrennees mountains, a drive of three hours or so, it was snowing heavily. The police were stopping all cars without snow chains and not letting them through. Many shops in the mountain outpost were selling snow chains (at exorbitant prices, under the law of supply and demand), dozens of the things to fit all the different sizes of car tyres. Except, strangely, the right size for my car - and they refused to sell me another, saying it wasn't safe. There was nothing to do but turn round and come home... I obviously couldn't face the drive again straight away and have not yet decided whether we will now leave for the holiday or not - turns out there are various things I need to do here this week.
So, going with the flow of this turn of events, J wanted to write a revised letter to Santa:

Dear Santa
I'm not going to Morocco. Please can you come from the North Pole? I want to have, please, a yoyo (a big one if possible). And please can I have four little cars? Please, Santa, can I have some toy tools? Can Pup have a real sausage? Can Mummy have a new nightie? Thank you.


Well-Known Member
Well. I know what a "nightie" is HERE... but that could be as far apart as a Canadian "jumper" (pinafore)and an English "jumper" (sweater)...


Well-Known Member
Awww. What a sweetheart.
I love that he asked for something for Pup and Mummy, as well as things for himself. What a darling boy you have Malika.


Shooting from the Hip
IC... and a "jumper" here is someone about to take a header off a bridge or building; or a cable to start a battery.

Malika, he's a sweetheart. A REAL sweetie.


Well-Known Member
Yes, here and there, it seems :)
Step, J is a sweetheart some of the time. The rest of the time? I need a sweet heart to deal with him :warrior: