Bachorlette last night.


Active Member
Did anyone watch last night? OMG, I can't believe this season it is a mess for real. I almost lost it when Ashely kept saying shut-up, your kidding me, no he's not, to Chris when he told her Bentley was in the hotel. She is really, really immature and I bet that the producers are sorry that they picked her for the show. I can't imagine she ends up with any of these guys. I want to know who it is. If anyone knows please ruin the unknown by pming me. I want to know who won but I don't want to watch it anymore!!!


(the future) MRS. GERE
Yeah, Jody- it was pretty wild, all right. Bentley came back for more face time, Mickey stalked off. I was surprised that Lucas and Constantine didn't march off, too.

I found it pretty interesting that JP didn't seem to try to calm their tempers when the guys were exploding. Maybe he was hoping they'd all walk off, which would increase his chances in the end? Who knows- he's my pick for her, anyway. I think Ben is adorable- maybe a little bit shy for her- but very sweet.

Ashley skyped in to Jimmy Kimmel's show. They had to bleep her there, too, when she talked about Bentley. lol. Jimmy said, "Ashley, I sure hope that JP is hiding in that room somewhere- he's the guy for you" or something like that. She mugged for the camera but didn't let on.



Well-Known Member
I missed the first half hour of the show, what happened when she saw Bentley? Did he admit to being a scum bag and not being interested in her? I like JP a lot, but from the previews it looks like he is not in a lot of the scenes, so wondering if he got kicked off. Then it looks like someone comes back and wondering if it is him. Also looks like at the end she doesn't get anyone. Strange season. I'm sure it's all in the editting.

Suz JP did try to soften it for Ashley a bit, maybe he was afraid to let on right then that he knew the day before about Bentley.



Active Member

Ashley asked him if he could not be so vague about the .... What is the world is that. I know like etc... but come on how old is she, anyway, she asked him if he felt something too, that she had a real hard time when he left. She asked him if he felt that way too. At first he was lying through his teeth. I think it was a mistake to leave, I missed you too. Then he actually said that there was a period at the end of their relationship. He just came for more camera time, just in my humble opinion. What an idiot. She was mad, she told him he could have just called her. Why would he, a trip to Hong Kong, nice hotel room. What a mess this show is, now I saw where she gets rid of someone, she says too early and then she brings him back. If I were a guy, drama queen would be popping up everywhere. Oh my goodness, one minute she would love me to death and the next she would be on to someone else. Fickle, is what my mom used to say. LOL.


(the future) MRS. GERE
sshhhhhhhhhhhh...don't tell!

I don't know anyone who says they "like" the show. on the other hand, I dare you and Jody to stop watching this train wreck.




If there was anything else on TV to watch on Mondays on the few channels I get, I wouldn't watch it. Alas, it comes on during Chuck's timeslot and I have nothing else to watch. Well, I could watch the channel that only shows local radar, never a rerun there!


Well-Known Member
Barf! I can't believe I watched it, lol. by the way I really think I saw her picture on the front cover of a magazine as I did a quick checkout at the grocery store. She was in a red bikini and I "think" the headline (or whatever it is called) was "Ashley shares how her fiance helped her...." I was tempted to go back in and see if what I think I saw I really saw.
If so...the Dude didn't help her enough! DDD:groan:


Well-Known Member
If there was anything else on TV to watch on Mondays on the few channels I get, I wouldn't watch it. Alas, it comes on during Chuck's timeslot and I have nothing else to watch. Well, I could watch the channel that only shows local radar, never a rerun there!

You could - and you will be amazed, for this will not have occurred to you :) - not watch TV at all on Mondays!
Coming here has got me interested in and semi-addicted to the Casey Anthony trial, which I had not even heard of before. I am only glad that I can't get American TV and get hooked on this savoury bit of "reality"... lol.


Mal, I've tried, but my ADD demands I have background stuff going. Not to mention if it's something with kissing in it Kiddo will remove herself from the room and likely fall asleep. ;)


Active Member
Okay so the finale was Monday night. What did you think of her pick? I think JP is rather attractive but also think he might get to clingy and jealous for me. I really felt bad for the other guy. He really did not see her rejection coming. I really felt sorry for him. How long do you think this engagement will last? I heard she is moving to New York to live with him.


Well-Known Member
It wasn't a big shock but actually I'm not really "engaged" when I watch the program. One previous season the Bachelorette at least had the decency to inform the loser in adance to "spare him". Not for a minute did I expect that Ashely would think of doing that. Hmmmmm. Let's see what they have in common. Evidendly the huggie-kissy part is ok. She's Christian and he is Jewish. He's an established construction supervisor in NYC and she is from ?? where she is a dental student. Gee, I thought they said she was a Dentist? Their ages?? Don't think they are that close.
Maybe....just maybe...they are both smart but I can't picture myself responding positively if that ditzy young thing told me to "open wide"...giggle, giggle. Geez, why do I watch that show? Guess I'm a ditzy old thing! DDD