Basic everyday parent of difficult child rant ...long



Not to rain on your parade but my bet is he's getting better at hiding it.

Mustang, your difficult child must be the identical twin of mine, except he doesn't take my clothes. We have locks on the basement door -- always taking & not returning husband's tools, on a cabinet in the kitchen -- chocolate, chips & alcohol, & on our bathroom closet -- bandaids, Tums, rubbing alcohol.

Looks like it's time for deadbolts since he admits he can pick the cabinet lock. Don't know about the others & so far nothing seems to be missing from there.

What is it about hoarding, stealing & lying with these kids??? Wouldn't it be great if they found the part of the brain that was out of whack & could just zap it to fix things.

Ah well, time for another room sweep soon to look for the latest forbidden objects.


sick and tired

New Member
what is it with these kids? my daughter is the same way! and it drives me absolutely insane!!!!! She takes whatever she feels like - without asking of course! but the kid cannot even feed herself?!!!I can't stand it!