Been to psychiatrist diagnosis


I feel more at ease at the moment....Had so much stress over the weekend, with meltdowns exct.

I wrote a long letter to the dr with plenty of background info that I thought she needed to hear....and plenty of questions.

husband also went with for parent counselling.

I'm glad to say that we were plesently surprised...She listened and responded to everything and gave some good advice that we are going to try.

She narrowed my sons diagnosis down a bit more and says she is becoming more and more sure that he is suffering from high functioning autism spectrum dysorder, with the anxiety, bit of ODD and sensory integration issues.

So we are going to try Cypremax? 5mg from tomorrow and later possible horse therapy, Occupational Therapist (OT) and speech therapy to help with reading social cues exct.

I truely hope things will only get better from now on!


Well-Known Member
I'm so happy that she truly listened to you. For some reason that is not the common pattern and when it happens all of a sudden you don't feel so alone or frightened. been there done that. I hope you are on the right road now and wish you the very best. DDD


Active Member
Hi and welcome from an ex - south African - I miss the rugby and cricket

Diagnosis might be helpful for medication, but unfortunately they don't tell us much and distract our attention from the real issues and problems of living. The ODD diagnosis implies that your child is deliberately being resistant and oppositional , he could choose to be otherwise . All his behavior is because he lacks crucial skills and these are missing when demands on those skills are being made. We need to go beyond the diagnosis and focus on the missing skills in the context of unsolved problems . Check the Alsup - assessed lacking skills and unsolved problems ( your input) check list . Autism is a skills based disorder , but kids with different diagnosis often share the same missing skills.

what type of parenting interventions does the therapist recommend - behavior modification or ' working with the child to solve problems

I hope this helps you go beyond the diagnosis , no magic bullet , nurture yourself , find a mentor , older brother , buddy etc for your son , horse riding is great too.



Active Member
I'm glad you have some answers. The diagnosis sounds a lot like what we've had a houseful of, for the last umpteen years. You can surtvive it, it can actually be good.

Watch that medication - it made difficult child 3 feel a lot less anxious, but it turned his brain to mush. The usual method is to try it at a low dose for a week or two, then increase. Observe him and how his memory functions. If you see problems, if he turns into a "blonde", then tell the doctor. We've just taken difficult child 3 off it after six months, and we've got our genius back. But academically, this year is a write-off.

It may not be a problem at all for your son. I hope it won't be. If you're on holidays now, then test him with a half hour lesson every day on something he enjoys and can do well. It needs to be academic, not something like computer games. If he plays an instrument, make him learn a new piece of music and see how well he picks it up and retains it, compared to when he's not on the medications. In difficult child 3's case, we realised there were big problems when really easy Maths & Physics that he should have known, was impossible for him. Test your son after each lesson, make sure he is retaining the information and understanding it. I wish we had known to do this when we trialled difficult child 3 on this to begin with.

If he passes these tests, then feel confident that it will help. difficult child 3 was not happy to come off cipramil, he said he really felt more capable of coping with anxiety, but now has to go back to his other non-medication techniques (such as using a teething ring to chew on instead of clothes or fingers).



Thanx for all the info!
Allan...I agree with you about the diagnosis...I think the only relevance of a diagnosis is in helping to choose the correct medications!

But what was good for me to hear is that the dr feels this 'illness' is more on a neurological level and that we can stop feeling so terribly guilty about all of it! I also have more patients with him knowing that if it's also Asperger, not everything is because of willfull choice, but that he just doesn't have the skills or abbility to behave differently. She suggested speech therapy to help him learn the social skills he is lacking, Occupational Therapist (OT) for the SI and I just thought horse therapy would be great because he once reacted so positively towards it....teaching him to deal with his fears, body posture, balance, and getting in touch with joyfull(different) experience...without any pressure or expectations.

Marguirite.....I'll be on the lookout for side-effects,but tell me is Cyprelex and Ciprimal the same medications? My son is on Cyprelex....

Regarding parent counselling....she basickly told us to stop fighting, working on a more relaxed environment....being like gentle bears...slowly but determened not to give in to any ODD temper outbursts....Didn't actually have many time to talk about parenting after I asked ALL my Q and read all my info! LOL


Well-Known Member
Autistic spectrum disorder is NOT dependent on the right medications unfortunately. You can not use right medications to fix it. It is more intervention based than medications based. While medications can sometimes help, they will not help your child's special problems, which tend to be multiple. Usually, our spectrum kids require PT, Occupational Therapist (OT) (for sensory) and social skills interventions...often learning supports EVEN if they are very bright. We got most of our supports from school, including the Occupational Therapist (OT), PT and social skills. Son also had an IEP for school and all put together it was a huge help to him.

Medication is never the whole answer for any disorder, however least of all for the autism spectrum. It is not a mental illness, but a neurological difference. These quirky kids think differently than "typical" kids. For example, they often talk to adults the same exact way as they interact with their peers, as if they don't respect the difference in status. This can and often does cause big problems in school. Not all teachers or adults in general appreciate being talked to with the same tone as peers are addressed. Also, they often have huge problems making friends because they do not intrinsically understand how to be a friend (and some Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) kid aren't interested in learning...they need almost text book help). Stimulants often don't help the hyperactivity too. With my own son, who is approaching adulthood (and years behind his age level socially), he does not see the need to bathe. We still have to force him to take a shower and wash his clothes.

Please look into interventions. A pill MAY help, or may not, but interventions will really enhance the quality of his life and improve his prognosis. Although my son has been on multiple medications, for my particular child he is better off of them and has learned to handle his anxiety medication-free. All Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) kids are different. Their common bond is a lacking of understanding social skills and often life skills as well.


Thanx for input...Midwestmom.....I'm still trying to get my mind around the whole Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD).......I am still rasionalizing it all very much!
I think her thoughts regarding the medications was to just take a bit of the edgyness regarding the aggression and anxiety of a bit...He isn't really aproachable for therapeutic intervention at the moment....she hopes that the medications will just make him a bit more 'flexible', emotionaly. WhatI still don't can she diagnose this after just seeing him for 10 min alone and 30 min with us? Ok...we did give her PLENTY of feedback, background info and examples.

She says the main reason why she thinks he has Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) is because he thinks very concrete and not enough abstract (he is in my opinion only 7 yr old!)...he inisialy didn't make eye contact, but later a bit (in my opinion he was irritated being with her in the first place, and he is an introverted child). When we go to a new restaurant he goes out of his way to seek new friends, laughs with them and make good eye contact...He has NO signs of any ADHD, no motor developmental delays....ok only vestibular insecurity....causing more ridgit movements. The playtherapist didn't pick up any Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) in the years that she saw him...only said he is very serious and maybe mood dysregulatory disorder.

He does have issues regarding being to sensitive to negative feedback from friends...this cause alot of stress for him....I often have to supervise or intervene in his easily becomes an argument...him becoming distressed and tearfull or upset....

He also doesn't like bathing...if I tell him that he will smell bad...he will respond with:"yes, and then what..."

Also something I noticed...I will be busy explaining something emotional or telling him something important and then out of the blue, while I'm still busy with my sentense he will just start talking about something else as if our conversation never took place! Is this part of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) or just normal 7 yr old behaviour?


We've found anxiety medications to be helpful, but we're using Topamax. First doctor never treated her anxiety, missed everything except ADHD and ODD. Never felt like he truly listened, just pretended to. New doctor listens better, she didn't think Kiddo was Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) because of her intelligence, but after testing she's been willing to accept it and asks for input on medications because I've researched the ones she's on and similar ones that might also work (which just means I'm not trying to sort through a ton of possible medications in my brain, already know what I've seen a bad reaction to without having to hunt through a file for it, and what medications I will only try as an absolute last resort because of family history).

Finding the right doctor and getting proper testing is a great forward step. It's not clear sailing from here, but now you have someone to help steer and navigational tools for the journey.


Well-Known Member
Hello. I think diagnosis is a bit of a minefield and certainly initially a hit-and-miss affair. I don't myself see how one can make a diagnosis of anything after 10 minutes with a child and 30 minutes with the parents. And, with all due respect to the knowledgeable and wise souls on this forum, diagnosis by internet is equally fallible, I would think. You need to get more and second opinions. And then symptoms seem to overlap, there is no neat dividing line. For example, I don't think my son is Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) (no professional - he's seen quite a few by now! - has suggested he is), but he too treats adults in the same way he treats children. I have sometimes wondered if he has some form of Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD), although he doesn't seem to fit the range of diagnostic criteria for that.
My own sense is the more people independently agree on a diagnosis, the more reliable it is. At the same time, this is not to say that your doctor is necessarily WRONG. Just that you maybe need to reserve judgement a little longer.
Horse therapy sounds great. Please keep us posted on how the medications are working.


I thought you had full testing with doctor. He does need a full evaluation. Even after a chat with the doctor that tested Kiddo (not her psychiatrist), he agreed she sounded like some form of Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD)-not otherwise specified but also spent hours testing her to nail it down. Mine has no issue with eye contact (unless you remind her, lol), which is another reason most other professionals ruled out Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD).

Heck, I was diagnosis'd with the same Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) as Kiddo and I'm in my 30s. I saw my share of psychiatrists growing up (because I was a PITA), and not one of them ever suggested it.


Sorry....just on the lighter side of things....I always thought husband had some form of...don't know ....Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)? LOL...then after we saw the doctor yesterday, hubby said: You know what, I think I might also have the same problem as ds! But on the positive husband did really well for himself dispite his anxiety regarding social interaction!

Sorry to ask a silly Q: But how do they actually test for Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)?


Well-Known Member
We had a a ten hour evaluation with three parent reports and teacher reports. Ten minutes? That doesn't mean he doesn't have it, just means it certainly wasn't an intensive evaluation. Usually the evaluations last all day and test in all areas of function.

I've raised five kids to seven and, except for my Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) child, none ever routinely blurted non-related stuff to people at age seven. Sometimes? I'd say a little. But usually not. However, really, you need the whole nine yards for a proper diagnosis.

He does seem to have some traits.


Active Member
I've raised five kids to seven and, except for my Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) child, none ever routinely blurted non-related stuff to people at age seven.

Oh, ours did. Verbal diarrhoea on their favourite topic, regardless of what anyone else was talking about. It's typical of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) kids to do this. Sometimes they are generally quiet and reserved unless you get them onto their favourite topic, when they won't shut up. In our house though, we have a couple who are outgoing and talkative, and when they have something they want to say, it comes out. Very random.

We have had to really work on difficult child 3, and continue to do so, to help him learn to NOT come out with random stuff. Example: I will be quietly working on my stuff in my room, difficult child 3 perhaps playing a computer game at the other end of the house. He will suddenly enter my room. "There's a funny line in X movie [quotes line - barely recognisable as he tries to tell me with his own brand of accent or other presentation]. Then he says something else, then she says this, then they go do something different."
I generally respond with, "Did I really need to know this right now?"

Or he will walk in and say, "If I push the left shoulder button while holding down the X key, it performs Y trick."
I respond with, "Am I ever likely to play that gam? Why are you telling me this?"
He continues with, "...and then if you go on to push the right shoulder button you can move the game to the next level where the character runs across the screen from left to right instead of right to left. Watch while it does this, you will see the character turn and wave." He then walks out of the room. I get back to my work, or try to. 45 seconds later difficult child 3 reappears. "...And then when the character has finished walking across the screen, it will turn and come back, this time with another character who normally wears a pink shirt but this time wears a blue one."
I start to say, "And you are telling me this because...?" but he has gone.
A minute later he reappears and again immediately begins talking. By this stage I am making a phone call to a business associate but difficult child 3 does not notice I am on the phone. He just begins talking. "The pink shirt comes back in the next scene, but only if you right click on the start key while you at the same time depress the X button."
If I wave at him and indicate I am on the phone, he does make an attempt to stop talking, but he can't help himself. He will back out of the room and lower his volume, but he will still keep talking because he cannot be interrupted. It is behaviour at an instinctive level (literally - I studied animal behaviour at uni). Instinctive behaviours are ones which, if interrupted, must still continue to completion. They are not under conscious control. A classic example is egg-rolling behaviour in broody hens. If you remove the egg partway through, the rolling behaviour continues even though there is no more egg to roll. In difficult child 3's case when he is talking at me, he can't simply stop when there is no more need to continue talking.
I also get this from husband, and from easy child 2/difficult child 2. Another example - they might begin to ask, "Have you seen the...?" when I have just watched them rummaging where we keep our keys. So if I interrupt with, "Have I seen your keys? Here they are, you left them on the bench," the Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) individual will still continue to completion with what they were saying, AFTER I have already answered their question. "...the keys for my car, they're not on their hook in the cupboard where they should be." They will say this while now holding the keys in their hand, that I just gave them.

Very frustrating, but there is NOTHING I can do that I haven't tried to do for years and years and years and... I am slowly going barmy.

This is classic Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) stuff. So is someone suddenly deciding to tell you about their pet topic, apparently purely at random. They also believe you are as passionate about the minutiae of their favourite topic as they are. They also believe that every image in their own mind; every association, every thought, is something you are equally privy to. It is a VERY difficult lesson for them to learn and it takes years longer than for most kids, because this is directly related to Theory of Mind.

You are at the beginning of a steep learning curve.

As for the fast diagnosis - sometimes it is obvious. I am not a doctor but I reckon I can identify Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) in seconds, in some cases. I am so familiar with it. Of course a more detailed evaluation is always a good idea for so many reasons. It can confirm a diagnosis, it can also give valuable information about the areas of need as well as the gifted areas in an individual's functioning. But a doctor who is familiar with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) who spends enough time with your child to say, "This is Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)" - yes, it can happen and is still valid. Risky, but valid.

In our case, we had the kids assessed. Such assessments take time to organise (years, in our case) and in the meantime, we had a diagnosis we could use to get help. The assessment was actually more pessimistic than the initial diagnosis, in both boys. In other words the assessment not only confirmed the Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), it indicated it was more severe than we had known. However, we continued to work with the boys as if they were not so severe, were more capable. And presto! They became more capable. These kids will walk over hot coals to try to fit in, and to try to please you and meet your expectations. So if you expect good things, you have a better chance of getting them.

Positivity, love, support, compassion, will pay dividends.



Well-Known Member
Congratulations on the new diagnosis. I totally agree, it makes you more patient when you know the behavior has neurological basis.
I haven't heard of that medication b4, but all you can do is experiment. We've had good luck with-some medications that have calmed down our difficult child. We're still working on the anxieity issues, which seem to be getting worse as he gets deeper into his teens. Or else it's that he's more able to verbalize them instead of kicking and screaming like he did when he was little.
You've gotten some great insights and ideas here. I know it will be a lifelong struggle but at least you're on the right track now. And don't assume that you can't add dxes to this, by the way. We're still wondering if my son is "just" Aspie, and his mood issues are totally tied into that, or if he also has a mood disorder. Sigh.


Well-Known Member
I think the only relevance of a diagnosis is in helping to choose the correct medications!
Not quite...
1) a diagnosis opens the door to a list of rx, but it can still be a struggle to find the right one... IF there is a "right one" for the situation at hand. (I'm not anti-medications - just realistic)
2) a diagnosis opens the door to other necessary things... IEPs, tdocs, etc. If you don't have a diagnosis, it can be hard to access services.

Its also not necessarily "complete". It may take a combo of diagnosis to really describe the child. And it takes time to get that.

There is a raft of formal tests that pick up on Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) traits... and yes, they take hours to do (several appointments, anyway). BUT, the tests are not part of the diagnostic criteria for anything... DSMV doesn't say "a score of xxx on test yyy = diagnosis zzz". There's a list of traits, trends, history etc. - and sometimes, it IS obvious. So why would you want to go through all that testing if you already know the answer? Not hard to understand wny the doctor doesn't necessarily want to go through the testing. The advantage for YOU is that testing provides a more concrete, detailed description of the current situation, which further refines what approaches to try etc.

Start from this level of diagnosis, work with some adjustments on various fronts, see what happens. If you're not making progress, ask for more detailed testing... to flesh out the "details" of the diagnosis and/or to look for additonal diagnosis (in this case, mood disorders etc. more likely than, say, adhd)


Marg....I had to smile now...the way you explained regarding your son is EXACTLY how my son is!!!! I never thought of his behavior in this way...I always just thought he is being spitefull for not allowing me to talk on the phone or interrupting when I'm busy!

Thanx to all for helping me gain more insight!


Active Member
Take the problem you have with one, and consider I have it in triplicate, including my husband. Although his is greatly tempered by having learned over time about what is socially acceptable.

We have a friend at church in his mid-50s, recently diagnosed as Asperger's (we had already guessed!). It's funny - it's like he now is more aware of it, he is taking more steps to control his environment to deal with his sensory issues. He seems to us to be more sensitive, but I think he's just being more active about avoiding the problems. For example, he can't cope with too many voices at once especially if he's stressed. And he really can't stand listening to people slurping tea or coffee. And if you think about it, just about everybody does it, even quietly. And he can't stand it. Often I have been making myself a cup of coffee while talking to him, he sees me finish and raise it to my lips - and he walks away. His pet subjects are fairly broad, but often quite specific (such as a particular German dialect - he searched the world to find two books published in this dialect, then he taught himself to read it). I am happy to discuss trivia with him because we do share interests and ideas in common. He's a very intelligent man, actually quite socially aware. And whenever we go to a trivia night, we always try to get him on our team! Forget about trying to answer any questions, just hand him the pencil, he knows them all...

Living with is is never dull.
