
Does anyone have a bipolar child and does part of their behavior consist of lieing? We have been wading through the endless sea of therapist, doctors, etc tirelessly for the last 4 months. My Difficult Child child had her "break" in November and it has been exhausting since. Last weekend we have a major hit. We have been dealing with lies before but now she has lied about her dad. He is devestated and we found out from another parent from school. The good thing is we finally have a therapist that is going to be good for her and her doctor finally listened about the mood swings. The only diagnosis we had was depression/anxiety. No one has said bi polar yet but they at least placed her on abilify to help with the moods. We are only on day two. All of this has torn my family apart and her older sisters don't want to deal with her. Anyway I digress. Is the lieing then denying that she remembers saying it part of the bipolar? Thanks everyone.

Wiped Out

Well-Known Member
Staff member
I'm not an expert but I don't think it necessarily is a sign of bipolar. My son, who has bipolar, for the most part tells the truth and has been mostly truthful his entire life (there have been moments of lying-going into our wallets, etc... when he was younger)


Well-Known Member
She could have many disorders. How was she as an infant? Was your pregnancy normal? Did she have any strange behaviors early on or not? Did she see any trauma or was she adopted?

It is incredibly hard to diagnose bipolar in a little kid. Some kids have unstable moods and do lie. The best advise I can give you is to have her evaluated by my favorite diagnostician, a neuropsychologist. By your description she could have any of many issues and the earlier you catch them and help her, the better the long term prognosis is. So that's where I'd go if I were you. Guessing or hoping it goes away is not very effective. Learn too that teachers are educators, not mental health diagnosticians or neurologists. They can not diagnose. But you want to see a neuropsychologist, which is way different from a neurologist.

Good luck!
Thanks for all the help. Pregnancy was normal, she was 2 weeks early and was hospitalized for 10 days at birth for pneumonia in both lungs. Then we had severe allergies from bottle, on albuterol due to her lungs being damaged. As a little she was extremely intelligient, way beyond her years. She has always kept me busy. So far the abilify is helping. We took another blow Sunday night as her pet guinea pig passed away. She had a full blown anxiety attack but was able to work herself out of it. I was comforting her and said "I'm so sorry honey, unfortunately, this is life." She looked at me and said "mom i wish life would leave me along." Heart broke in a million pieces. I truly believe that God doesn't hand us more than we can handle but my goodness.
Does anyone have a bipolar child and does part of their behavior consist of lieing? We have been wading through the endless sea of therapist, doctors, etc tirelessly for the last 4 months. My Difficult Child child had her "break" in November and it has been exhausting since. Last weekend we have a major hit. We have been dealing with lies before but now she has lied about her dad. He is devestated and we found out from another parent from school. The good thing is we finally have a therapist that is going to be good for her and her doctor finally listened about the mood swings. The only diagnosis we had was depression/anxiety. No one has said bi polar yet but they at least placed her on abilify to help with the moods. We are only on day two. All of this has torn my family apart and her older sisters don't want to deal with her. Anyway I digress. Is the lieing then denying that she remembers saying it part of the bipolar? Thanks everyone.

My daughter is a liar, and 3 of my siblings are constant liars. Don't know where it comes from and I am embarrassed to be around them. I always said, you can always remember the truth, you can never remember lies.