Book- Food your miracle medicine by Jean Carper


New Member
I was wandering in our Barnes and Noble a couple days ago, and found this book quite by accident.
I bought it (paperback, approx $5) and have been reading it. It is rather interesting. Noone in my family has any obvious food allergies.......altho of late we have wondered if we have less obvious ones, or maybe intolerances etc....
This book seems like it might be a good place to begin researching further. Maybe I can use this book as a start off place to dig in deeper. It has many different chapters- including Foods to lift your mood, Surprise, theres valium in your food, sedatives and tranquilizers:how foods can quiet the brain metabolism: calorie burning foods, Smoking: foods that stifle the urge, sleep:suagar and milk connections, Surprise! suagr mellows out delinquents, Pow! Bang! my cholestreols too low,

Looks like it could be interesting.....


Active Member
Good luck with this. My life has improved dramatically since I started avoiding gluten so I am a big believer in the idea that food affects people in ways they don't know. It seems so hard to believe until you experience it yourself. Then it seems obvious.

Sue C

Active Member
You know, when I was 16 I was tested for allergies 'cuz I was having allergy symptoms. Besides being allergic to grass, trees, ragweed, cats, rabbits, dust, and mold, I was told I was allergic to tomatoes, corn, and every single grain there is (wheat, rice, etc.) plus soybean. I know the seasonal allergies make my allergies act up (sneezing, blowing my nose, itchy watery eyes). I know if my house is extra dusty my allergies act up. I know my cat bothers me at a certain time of year when his coat changes, otherwise he does not seem to bother me (he's a Siamese....other people's cats bother me). I can barely breathe if I'm near a rabbit or mold. I can't wear makeup. Fragrances and cigarette smoke give me a headache, and if I eat more than 10 peanuts I get a headache.

But, I've never noticed any kind of allergic reaction to eating the foods I was told I'm allergic to. I've always thought that was odd!! And I eat those foods all the time!!! Any thoughts on why that is??


scent of cedar

New Member
Gluten does me in, too. The interesting thing is that before I actually developed asthma, I had so many problems with acid reflux. Eventually, I realized (over years) that bread, pastry, and pasta were hard on my stomach.

I still ate them, though.

Now, these are the foods that will trigger episodes of breathlessness for me.

It would be interesting to know whether changing my diet sooner would have resulted in my asthma never becoming full-blown enough to become a problem for me.

I also avoid dairy, though cottage cheese in moderation seems to be okay.

MSG is another huge offender.

So are aerosol cleaning products and bleach.

Now that I know what to look for, it's amazing how many things I was routinely exposed to, whether in my diet or in the environment, have turned out to be allergens for me.



Active Member
But, I've never noticed any kind of allergic reaction to eating the foods I was told I'm allergic to. I've always thought that was odd!! And I eat those foods all the time!!! Any thoughts on why that is??


I found out 2 years ago that I am gluten intolerant through a test. I never thought I had any problems. When I gave it up, I realized my "fat" stomach was a bloated stomach and my irritability came from gluten. Also I had an itchy head my whole life. After I went gluten free, it didn't itch anymore. Then one day I was using a different shampoo and my head started burning. I looked at the ingredients of the shampoo and it had wheat. I thought I washed it out really well, but my head and my back, where the rinse water ran down, itched for days after that. I don't know if I also have a wheat allergy or if that was just the gluten intolerance.

All that is my long way of saying that if you eliminate those foods, you may notice things changing that you think are just a part of the way you are. Some of those foods you are allergic to are in almost everything so you maybe haven't experienced the *real* you if you haven't tried to give them up.