Boys overnight


Well-Known Member
Sheesh. I do the right thing, and as usual, get blamed for it.
Yesterday, difficult child called me when I was running errands, to tell me he was walking around outside with-two friends, T and K. Who is K? A friend from school. Okay ... I'm glad that difficult child called. That was great.
Later he says they're coming to the house. Okay. Then his girlfriend is coming over. And her mom said it was okay if I wasn't home, because his other friends would be there. (NOT. I know darn well she didn't okay that. Not the best mom, but not a total idiot.) I race home, to discover difficult child and his two friends, getting ready to go their own ways, so difficult child can go to his girlfriend's house. Huh? I thought she was coming over.
Nope, her mom wouldn't let her. ;) But now I am the transportation. And by the way, can his friends spend the night? Okay ...
So I run the taxi svc, and pick up T and K. Once we get to the house, I ask K for his mom's number and name so I can introduce myself. He says okay, but he has to call his grandmother first.
He disappears into a dark corner of the LR for 10 min and has an intense discussion on his phone.
Next thing I know, he and T are going out the door to leave. difficult child ignores them and stays in his chair, gaming.
I see headlights and think it is K's mom.
Nope, it's T's mom. She said that K was actually staying with-his grandmother and only gave her 20 min notice about the overnight (the other boys told us in late afternoon), plus she has no idea who I am, etc. and is very angry. Completely understandable.
So T's mom took K home, and T stayed at our house, overnight.
difficult child said, "K could have stayed if you hadn't made him call home."
Huh? I told him, in a stern voice, that what I did was perfectly normal and that he needs to communicate, and I need to know who he is and who his family is.


Love me...Love me not

Don't you just love that? If you have only done the wrong thing....difficult child could have had some fun.

Try not to let him get to you (I know - easier said than done...)


New Member
LOL, I guess technically he is right... If you would just be willing to be irresponsible and not care who stays at your home or what their parents think then sure... it is your fault. Q keeps telling me it is his fault he can't go out to play with neighbor friends right now... UMMM technically true. But he could start using appropriate behaviors (even if not perfect, he could accept the support and cues) but so far he is not able to do that so???

Interesting they think he could have stayed if K had not called. I wonder what he had really told his grandma was the reason he was going to be gone all night. He lies and you get called on the carpet..... yeah, really. SIGH and hugs!


Well-Known Member
Thanks. Haven't heard a peep out of K for the past 2 days. Don't know if he's grounded or what.

I dropped difficult child off at a friend's house today. He wanted me to drop him off on a corner and he would walk the rest of the way. NOT! I wanted to see the house and introduce myself.
Found the house (not easy ... it was a maze of streets inside of streets inside of cul-de-sacs), introduced myself to dad, grandpa, uncle.
Came back 4 hrs later ... mom answers the door. I asked for difficult child and she frowned and said, "I just got home and I don't think they had anyone over today." She calls the kids. A tall, curly haired teen, wired with-headphones, stands at the top of the stairs. "This is C." A younger girl shows up on the other side of the stairs. "This is A."
Uhhh ... my son's name is C and the friend whose house he's at has a name that starts with-an A ...
What are the chances that I would end up at the WRONG HOUSE and find a kid with-the same name and sister with-nearly the same name? Nearly the same age? ROFL!
Nice of the mom to invite me in, anway. We shook hands, I figured out that the houses were both on cul-de-sacs, same street, 1 block apart.
"I'm not normally an airhead," I said, backing down the steps.



Well-Known Member
Yes, and yes.
And I even told him the story. He had no comment. I'll probably get it thrown in my face in a few days ...