Car Accident


My daughter had made up her mind to "stay away from bad friends." I have continued to tell her to seek whole health (counseling, AA/NA, doctor, etc.) because her making it on her own isn't working. Hence, her decision to hang out with her on again, off again buddy (who is a prostitute, user and everything else). Great decision.

Day 1 - she was nasty
Day 2 - she was reallyreally nasty and had wounds from "falling out of a car" - sounded like she was using
Day 3 (today) we got a call at 4am from her, hysterical

Apparently her good buddy and her had gone to a suburb, drank (and did who knows what else), and got into an OWI-induced accident on the highway on the way home. She wasn't wearing a seatbelt, the front window was bashed, the officer said she was lucky to be alive.

The friend got an OWI, my daughter got an underage drinking ticket; they both were released and went home.

My daughter is still drunk/high/Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) so I don't know how she really feels about all of this. She said she's shaken up. She says she's sorry. She said it scared her and she thought she was going to die.

I'm numb but feeling extremely anxious and sad, underneath the crust of numbness. I mean, how many of us go to bed hoping not to get the call? It's in the back of my mind for her all the time. She drives with people who are using all the time. She's been prostituting herself. I don't know how much more "numb" I can get to all of this while continuing to be capable of having other normal emotions.

I feel like a stone. I don't know how to feel. I don't know what to tell our other children. It feels like we were starting to heal, and the wound gets ripped apart, the defense mechanisms have been thrown back up.


Well-Known Member
Just sending supportive thoughts and hugs your way. So many of us understand the rollercoaster and often it just makes us sick because we have difficulty staying prepared for the next unexpected dive. Wish I had an answer for you, or for any of us for that matter. Exhale. Fall back and regroup. Know you are not alone. DDD

Hound dog

Nana's are Beautiful

Hopefully this close brush with death will be her eye opener she can't do it alone.

Prayers for you both.


I am so so sorry. I hope this is the wake up call she needed.

And I hate the numb feeling...I know what you mean


I don't know what to say. This has to be so very difficult for you. It's a constant roller coaster, isn't it? Just know we're listening...


call 911

Words should fail her when she looks at you for what she's putting you through, but moreso words should fail herself when she looks in a mirror.