Care to join me in a Circle of Support for HopeRemains???


Well-Known Member
I just can't get her off my mind. Hopefully she and her son are fine tonight. She surely has had alot to cope with recently. I'm sending my most supportive thoughts and hugs her way. From Florida on to ??


Well-Known Member
Absolutely! I've been thinking about her, too. I hope she's getting some well-needed rest. Grabbing on from Virginia, sending strength and hugs to ...


Well-Known Member
Staff member
You're so thoughtful DDD, she will so appreciate this...........We're all with you HR, sending my warmest wishes, much support and big giant hugs from Northern California on to........


Roll With It
OK grabbing on and holding tight! Thinking of and praying for you. Wish I was close enough to edjumacate your relatives out of being so awful, regardless of whether words or a pillar of higher learning (aka 2X4) was the best tool. sometimes you have to use the Pillar to get their attention, Know what I mean?? YES, that is a JOKE, and I would not ever advocate hitting someone esp notwith an object like a board. But sometimes the mental picture is needed to give some relief, Know what I mean??

I hope things get better very fast. Regardless of if you are in their home or not, if they are abusive, stand up to them and tell them to stop. If they continue, esp to be abusive to your child, or their own, call CPS. NOT joking. Yes, will cause family problems, but don't you already have too many of those going on? Sometimes that CPS call gets you weeks or even years of silence, which isn't always as bad as it may seem at first.

I would bet that CPS would help you get back home if you and/or difficult child are being abused by your relatives. So don't be afraid to call them for help!



Well-Known Member
I had a dream about you and your son last night. I hope it was accurate. The two of you safely reached Bro#2's house, ate a lovely dinner and fell sound assleep in peace. I'm hoping you guys are still snuggled under wonderful covers just recovering from the recent traumas. You will stay on my mind until I see a post...even a teeney tiny post.
Hugs. DDD