Character is....


call 911
Watch your thoughts; they become words
Watch your words; they become actions
Watch your actions; they become habits
Watch your habits; they become character
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny

Character is who we are when we think no one is looking

Never regret; if it is good, it's wonderful
If it's bad, it's experience

Hound dog

Nana's are Beautiful
Never regret; if it is good, it's wonderful
If it's bad, it's experience

Our chemistry professor had this one on the overhead this afternoon. I meant to jot it down cuz I really like it and wanted to use it here. He's always putting stuff up like this.


Clinging onto my sanity
My favorite one is still - if you hear a man yelling in the woods and there's no woman to hear hinm - is he still wrong?!


call 911
Daralex -

Between the picture of Ginger-Cat and that verse?

I'm scrambling to look busy at work because I just did one of those "Oh there she goes again - laughing at nothing - things."

Gosh thanks -

actually I believe some would keep yelling like the goat on Jurassic park. And we all know what happened to the goat. uh huh