Connor Surgery Good Thoughts Plz

Hound dog

Nana's are Beautiful
Yup, I'm half too. Us native folks have quite a bit of quirks actually. This one I have not heard yet, but I can't say it surprises me.

They also have a high risk of really bad reactions to live vaccines and should not ever ever get them. We found out the hard way with Nichole and the measles. Had it confirmed later by other docs. Then after that she had the severe allergic reaction to the DPT shot and we just gave up and decided for her it's too dangerous to be vaccinated. Metabolic disorders are very common due to the European type diet, we haven't had the couple of thousands of years to adjust to those types of food stuffs.

If he had any issue with the anesthetic, doctor didn't mention it. But easy child said he was mega POed from the moment he woke up, and Connor POed is really hard to cope with. He dozed on the way home and went to be early.

Now comes the "fun" part. easy child is going to have to watch that he isn't bumped or jostled around, no rough play of any sort, will have to watch him so he doesn't fall, and he has to wear sunglasses when he goes outside because sunlight will be very painful for a while. Connor is just 20 months old, so yeah, that's going to be a challenge. But I talked with Darrin today and explained why and how he has to help Mom and Dad watch out for his baby brother. The sunglasses..... whew boy. Connor has a pair he plays with, they stay on all of maybe 30 secs. lol I had to be firm with Travis when he had his done, he was addicted to outside......and I just flat out refused to let him go out without his sunglasses. I have pics of that time. And to my shock he wore them and didn't take them off.

It's going to be an interesting egg hunt this year. But I'll explain to Aubrey to be careful hopefully it will go ok. The eggs have the kids initials on them, so it's not one that is a competition for who gets the most eggs at least.


Well-Known Member
Lisa...didnt you say you have Native blood in you? If so, that could be one of the reasons you have problems with anesthesia. I never knew about it but after Cory had his surgery back when he was 4, they came out to us and asked us what race he was. I said well he is half white and have indian why? They said oh gosh...and they lady ran back to the recovery room. It seems that Cory was having a really hard time coming out from being under and they couldnt figure out why but it seems that lots of Native Americans have an issue with anesthesia so they have to use something special. What I dont know. Now I do think it matters more if its a longer surgery too. Cory has had short surgeries where he was only under for like 20 minutes and it didnt happen but this first surgery was 11 hours and it took them 5 hours to get him to come to in the recovery room. Believe me, we were scared to death that something had happened to him. We were the last set of people left in the waiting room.


Well-Known Member
I'm so glad all went well. He's so little he may not even really know what happened. Hugs for your hurting grandma heart and I have my special healing crystals out (reserved just for members of thid board). I hope he has a speedy recover and everything heals well!