Court Date Pushed Back


Shooting from the Hip
Belle was supposed to have her final hearing tomorrow... They have pushed it back to January. She called & let husband know a bit ago.

I'm bummed... I was hoping for some sort of closure, for her really more than me - so she would KNOW what was up and make her plans.


Well-Known Member
This is typical of the court system, my experience is you hurry up and wait and then just get a new date. It is crazy really. Sorry it got put off but heres hoping that being in jail over the holidays will wake her up some more!



Well-Known Member
I'm sorry...but look at it this way, at least you won't be worrying about her whereabouts over the holidays.


Shooting from the Hip
Yeah... Well, it was only a few days before Christmas last year that she really jumped the shark. So...


Well-Known Member
Staff member
At least you will have a drama free holiday season. That may be awful to say but my easy child said last Christmas was the best Christmas we ever had. difficult child was in treatment in another state at the time.

There is just something about difficult child's and the holidays. It seems to turn everything up a notch.



Well-Known Member
Hopefully, this is the worst year of her life. She knows what not to do -learning the hard way. I can only imagine how hard this has been for you as well, hugs.


Active Member
I am sorry that her court date was pushed back, but, you will know that she is safe, and maybe being stuck in there of Christmas will wake her up.


Shooting from the Hip
I have to admit, I'm thinking about putting the tree up early because I won't have to deal with the "don't wanna" drama. LOL!


Well-Known Member
That is so true! For the first time I don't have to worry about difficult child complaining about everything.


Shooting from the Hip

She called husband a bit ago... Apparently the OTHER county she and her boyfriend got in trouble in is pulling her.

If she is moved I should get a message from VINElink at least.


Shooting from the Hip
I don't know... They DID pull her. Weird, as she has falsification and resisting arrest and nothing else...???


Well-Known Member
So does that mean she is in another county jail now? Does that mean the plea deal is null and void? Im sure your asking the same things but all this sounds kind of iffy now.


Shooting from the Hip
She's in a different jail. Our county released her on her own recognizance... She was right. Slap on the wrist.