Dad, I don't like how .....


Active Member
Linda, I agree with Star, too. I know this must be an enormous pain and I'm sorry I didn't read this thread and respond before {{{HHUUGGSS}}} i hope you found some peace and comfort today.

I honestly believe your difficult child is having difficulty coping with this because he loves you and isn't equipped to work through this emotionally right now. My dad died when I was 5yo and I had a wonderful step-father that I was close to. I went into denial when he had major health problems. It wasn't right, but it wasn't because I loved him less or not at all. This should be about you right now, but it sounds like difficult child isn't able to get past his own emotions to be the kid he should be for you at this point in time. I do think it's because he loves you and because he has some baggage from his past, though.