

New Member
When mine were minors I worked very hard at "saving" them. I wanted them to learn from their mistakes but not be crippled in life as a result of them. I tried to always be one step ahead and worked hard at keeping my difficult children out of trouble and off the police radar. That coupled with the idea of loosing everything we had because of something stupid they might do kept me from sleeping and fraught with worry. Once they were of legal age I helped difficult child#1 and easy child/difficult child move into their own place and enjoyed the peace of not knowing their every move but unfortunately they still managed to reek havoc on my life. When girlfriend#2 started putting me through one hellacious time after another and rotating in and out of RTCs and jail and shelters and program after program, I realized I could no longer live that way. Detachement was my only salvation without it I never would have survived. Many outsiders without the kind of experience that brings us to this board are apt to judge us as cold and uncaring. I have learned not to care what they might think. These are hard lessons to learn but once we do, we can live relatively peaceful lives. Detachment once so foreign a concept to me has become my life line. I will never again work harder for an adult someone than they are wiling to work for themselves.


New Member
I loved this post. So true what we should or should not be willing to do. Now not only do I have an 18 year old to monitor, but it appears my husband has fallen victim to dependance on prescription pills. Needless to say I don't know if I am coming or going anymore. The person I leaned on for support had a secret and now my trust for both of them is completely gone. I can rely on no one but myself. My husband went in for an intake for a rehab program yesterday and went on about how he hasn't taken any opiates or anything other than ambien at night. Wrong. Urine test says NO, you liar. My heart is just ripped out. My son knows because he is the one that caught him crushing pills and snorting them...ambien as far as I know. Now my son thinks I am a "crazy ass Mom" for blaming him for parking in a residential area for the fourth time and I was going to go on Google to prove it to him that there are signs when he says there arent' I am a crazy ass mom now. I feel terrible. Getting myself to any meeting I can asap.


I am so sorry Vligrl....we are all here for you. Smart move to get to a meeting.

Just take one (even teeny tiny) step at a time. HUGS!

Calamity Jane

Well-Known Member
Oh Vligrl,
That's just awful. When it rains, it pours. Stay strong. You are not a "crazy ass Mom" - you're an amazing pillar of strength.
Vligrl: NO, you are not a crazy ass mom. You are a Warrior mom, and don't forget how strong you are. You have friends here who will support you & we all know what a strong mom you are. Keep posting here, because we care about you. HUGS...


New Member
OMG...your hugs and good thoughts just made me cry like a baby, in a good way. Not really having many friends nearby to reach out to just to get a hug is so hard but I felt your hugs surround me here. Thank you so much for that comfort. It's not like I can go around and tell people, "guess what, my husband is addicted to pills" wanna go out to dinner? Can't tell anyone in my family..they have heard an earful through the years and I am trying to preserve as many good thoughts as possible for them toward my kid and husband. Unfortunately I did confide in my brother in the past about my son and now he totally ignores him even for his birthday. So thank you again for allowing me to cry and rage and question without being judged and punished for speaking the truth. I am lucky enough though to me meeting with toughlove tomorrow. Hope she is wearing a towel!


I will bring a towel and a bucket to catch those tears..... Really though I am looking forward to seeing you and I am there to listen.... and maybe just maybe after some tears we can have some laughs too.



Well-Known Member
vligrl I'm really sorry about your husband, you must feel alone in all this. But no more, you have all of us. Enjoy your lunch with TL and I wish I lived close by all of you too. You are the only ones who understand what we go through every day.

"I will never again work harder for an adult someone than they are wiling to work for themselves. "

How right you are RM. Once you leave that abuse you will never go back. I think that's why sober houses try to get the residents to the point where they can live on their own, because they know once they are gone their families are very reluctant if not completely against taking them back.



New Member
Decided to start my Wellbutrin again tomorrow, so hopefully we will get a little silly. I love to laugh...I have always prided myself on making people laugh and hate being a downer. Had a big whoa is me cry tonight from missing the relationship I had with my son when he was a curly haired blond cherub to not being able to turn to my Mom for advice anymore (Dementia) I thought I could make it without anti depressants for once in the last 10 years, but apparently I can't. Wish we could all have a group hug and cheer for each other, but toughlovin and I will try to do it for all of you.


Vligrl, glad to hear you are taking care of your needs. I'm on an anti-depressant. Cannot imagine doing this without it. Stress does so many awful things to your body.


Active Member
Vilgrl-I'm so sorry about your husband. I am glad you are taking care of yourself. Enjoy your lunch and that you are understood and supported here.
I love that quote also Nancy-I need to have it as a mantra!


New Member
Vilgrl-I'm so sorry about your husband. I am glad you are taking care of yourself. Enjoy your lunch and that you are understood and supported here.
I love that quote also Nancy-I need to have it as a mantra!

Hope TL doesn't mind posting this but we sat and talked from breakfast through lunch in the same spot today! I haven't a clue how many cups of coffee or tea we went through but I think TL is my new boyfriend! Thank goodness to have someone that understands and we also know a lot of the same people in town. Such a small world but I know for sure, there are no accidents....:hi5:


I don't mind at all... really we sat from 9 to after 2!!! And we didn't just talk about our difficult children either!!! I hadn't realized it but it is really nice making a connection with someone here in the Northeast who grew up in the same area that i did and gets all those references. We had some good laughs too and some good serious conversation. It is so nice having someone local who understands. Makes me wish we all lived closer and could just get together. I think we would have sat longer except I had to get home so my daughter could use the car!!



Active Member
This wonderful. I don't think there are accidents either. I can't tell you how often people have been put in my path when I needed them. You both deserve this!


New Member
So wonderful when we cn connecyt in person to someone who understands us and shares a comonality besides parenting a difficult child. Glad you two had a good time!!!