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New Member
OH poor kid. My cousin's son had a similar and he had accidents (bm) until he was in his teens.... NO OTHER ISSUES! HE is fine now, he is 15 and a really amazing kid. Just posted on FB that he is proud to be in his faith and a group of them post about their values etc. But wow did he go through heck. Poor kid, many thought he was doing it on purpose. My cousin knew better too. You have your hands full of advocacy dont you!


Trying to get a referral from a Dr who sees nothing wrong with your son, is hard! Thats so true about us looking like the offenders! Like we are making all this up just for the heck of it! I do want my kids happy he does laugh,smile, and is sooo sweet and thoughtful, he will sing,dance etc! BUT, when he gets in his mood,no more Mr nice guy. I know at this age they can say mean hateful things which is normal. But everyday when he does not get his way, or gets mad for whatever reason, he says how much he hates us and really speaks his mind! He sees his dad but it depends on the mood the fathers in.Off and on over the years. Before he moved the last 6 months, every month for a night.Now, once a year which the father just backed out. I hope his school behavior doesn't get real bad! Thanks, I will!


Oh yes, thats so true on the Medical files! With his speech, I did have to sign a form to release the medical info between them and medicaid, which they are reviewing yet again this year! If you heard him, you would be able to tell his speech issue.One parent at his baseball game thought he was from another state last year, thinking he had an accent! I told her no mam, he has a speech issue. She replied: Sorry, couldn't understand him" And the bathroom issue, yes, it was constant last year, few times this year and here at home. I am sorry your cousin had to deal with it for so long, poor thing! :( . I will still keep my eyes opened at his school. Thanks!