difficult child finally went to the hospital.


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Calling your child crazy when she is locked up in a psychiatric ward? I don't know how you could get much worse. If nothing else, it was certainly overstating the obvious.


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Well, she lied again. I just reached the nurse on the unit and difficult child has not signed a release. I asked if I could tell the nurse some things and she said yes but she couldn't say anything back. So I told her difficult child was a substance abuser and was not supposed to be on benzo's and that she had told me they had her back on them. The nurse said that I should talk to her doctor but she couldn't even give me that name until difficult child signs a release.

difficult child called a couple of minutes later and said that she had signed a release. I told her to stop lying. Then she said that she was leaving in the morning. I told her that I hoped she had somewhere to go since I am not able to talk to the p-hospital about her discharge plan. She said she was going to go talk to the nurse.


Well-Known Member

However I was interested to learn about the MRSA. I have had several bouts of it and hearing about the knee replacements, woah.
I had a close family member get MRSA. Ended up in a tuberculous room in the hospital for almost a week. They were very cautious of transferring anything while he was treated. Had seven weeks of IV vancomycin.

Personally, I would find an infectious diseases physician.

I am glad she wants treatment.


Well-Known Member
Arrrrggghhhh! She is maddening, isn't she???? Keep on keeping on, Kathy. That is all you can do. She is medically ill on top of the mental illness. I really hope she has signed so you can speak with a doctor. They really need the whole story!


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difficult child was released yesterday morning and never signed a release for us to see what is really going on. The treatment team is recommending another 30-day rehab and we found one that will take her for her insurance only. difficult child supposedly had a phone consult and says that she was told that she was not a good fit. She told them that she has been sober for 7-months and needs mental health help more than addiction treatment.

The guy she talked to then recommended another treatment center that focuses more on mental health issues (which was also on the list that the treatment team recommended) so husband checked the cost on that one and it will cost us an additional $1000 after the health insurance. We told difficult child to go for an assessment but so far she has not followed through.

In the meantime, she is staying with a friend that she met at her last job and has asked for money for food and gas and we said no. We told her that we will only pay for treatment so she is on her own if she decides that she doesn't want to go. She claims she has a job interview tomorrow that will pay $450 a week as a customer service rep helping people get prescription drugs. I think it is probably a Craigslist scam.

In the meantime, I have her texts blocked and calls going straight to voicemail. I told her I am getting off the roller coaster and will not listen to her threats and manipulation. Therapy is really helping me set boundaries and stick to them.


Well-Known Member
Kathy let me just tell you that you are nowhere near the worst mother of the year. TI don't know how you have stayed so sane and strong through this.


Well-Known Member
I agree with Nancy...You do sound very strong!

Good for you for standing up for self and not allowing the threats and manipulation to overpower you.

Hang in there.

scent of cedar

New Member
Calling your child crazy when she is locked up in a psychiatric ward? I don't know how you could get much worse. If nothing else, it was certainly overstating the obvious.

These sorts of things happen to us too, Kathy. We believe we are prepared to be the parents we wish we were. difficult child will say something that catches us in the blindside, something we never prepared a response for. And BOOM, before we know it, the anger is there and something awful has been said. I know that feeling of trying to rein in the anger. Usually I sputter to a stop. It's like I cannot even think. Once the conversation has ended, the only thing I really remember is my own failure to guide the conversation with wisdom ~ my own failure to comfort difficult child, or myself.

Kathy, difficult child cannot be entirely excused in this situation. In a normal frame of mind, you would never have said something intentionally hurtful to difficult child. For one reason or another, they unerringly find our vulnerable places and go for the jugular. What were you talking about immediately prior to difficult child's comment?

Is there is something important there, something difficult child is not comfortable with, something she doesn't want you to know?

We do love our children. Even so, it is important for us to remember that, for reasons they don't always understand, they do manipulate us.

It seems to me that you fell into a well-laid trap, Kathy.

You will be better prepared for that possibility in the future. For right now though, it might be best to compartmentalize those bad feelings, so you can think clearly.

It was a slip of the tongue, alright ~ but the provocation was tailor-made.

We are not super human. We are parents, doing the best we know to help our troubled kids.

I know how badly I feel when this kind of thing happens to me. (And it does.) I don't think, with difficult child in crisis mode, that you can afford to think about it right now.

Much as you love difficult child, I think she intended this outcome.

Try not to beat yourself up over it. Learn what you can from it. That is really all we can do. With the kids in the situations they're in? I don't think we can even really hold them responsible.



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Well, difficult child got the job and it sounds legit. I checked out their website and the BBB and didn't see anything alarming. She also interviewed at a salon today and was offered that job, too, but it doesn't pay as much. It's amazing how easily she can find a job when she actually looks for one. Of course, keeping the job is the real key.

No, she hasn't mentioned the MRSA again but did say that she is supposed to have follow up tests done on her heart because of the abnormal EKG. She said that they said it could have some blockage. Is it all difficult child drama? Your guess is as good as mine. My brother does have someone else's heart beating in his chest and my mom and dad both had heart attacks and bypass surgery so there certainly is a history that is concerning. Even worse, my dad's first heart attack was in his early thirties and difficult child has had high cholesterol even as a child.

Will she follow through and get the additional tests? I highly doubt it.