difficult child hospitalized today


New Member
Could it be her Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) that is making her do things like eating the plate, talking to the spoon, something in the shower that she doesn't want to admit? My daughter with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) has done some strange things because she "needed to". How is your daughter's Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) being treated?

With Prozac. She was majorly Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) with her feet, shoes, socks. Would spend 2 hours getting everything right if I let her. Couldnt walk on yellow parking lot lines and if she does she has to step on it with the other foot to make it even etc. All of that is gone. Never thought that maybe the pica could be an Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) thing but I highly doubt it. She doesnt even remember putting things in her mouth sometimes.


New Member
No, my son doesn't blank out on purpose in a manipulative way. I'm not sure he even knows he's doing it. I think the blank look is when he gets lost in his own thoughts and spaces out. He'll come out of it if I call his name or touch him on the shoulder but he's really annoyed when I do.

I don't know much about pica other than I've heard it talked about on other autism sites. I think it's eating non-food items and more common to autism than asperger's. If she's just putting things in her mouth, I'm not sure that's the same thing. Eating boogers seems to be a common kid thing, I think.

Regarding telling the school about her adhd - I did because my son has Learning Disability (LD)'s too and needs a specialized setting to learn. I think it depends on how much it affects her learning and behavior. Some teachers do a great job accommodating without an IEP, other don't. It really depends on the school and how they treat kids who don't learn in a typical way. Look at the administration's attitude towards Special Education. There's usually a trickle down effect.

Good luck!

She does actually 'eat' some of the stuff, but not the majority of the time. And its always a paper type product or boogers.

Totally messed up and forgot about parent teacher night so I missed out on the most important school information day. Im kicking myself in the kaboose about it. So now I have to contact the school guidance counselor and see if I can relate everything to her/him and she/he will go to the teachers and inform them and get info etc. Or I will have to contact each teacher one by one and talk to them separately. Which now that I think about it, isnt a bad idea. I just hate having to do that to the teachers when they already have so much to do, because I was a big dummy and forgot.


Active Member
he has screwed up so much in the past there is no way to fix it so it's better she is gone. I called her bio father, my DEX, and he is yelling at her and calling her stupid and weak for trying to get out of living instead of trying hard at life. ...

no wonder you mind is frozen. too much intake for you. I think we all have felt at times that we have screwed up so much in the past that there is no way to fix it...I feel for her.

tell her God's mercy is new every day. every single day is a new one with a new start. yesterday is gone.

by the way her dad is an idiot of the highest degree. glad he is your EX


(((hugs))) I am so sorry that you are having to go through this. I know its probably of little comfort, but I am proud of you for doing the right thing, and that is taking her to the hospital. My difficult child has implied or done things similar to this and I have to admit, not every time have I taken him to the hospital. I wanted to believe he wouldn't really go through with it. But in reality, we have to take those things seriously and get them the help they need.
It can be heart renching to leave them in the hospital too. I hope things get better.


New Member
I took her mainly because I am at a point in my life where I have no clue on what to do for her any more so I took the 'opportunity' and took her there hoping they may figure out a solution or something. I didnt think she would actually do it but there still is that small chance. But, like I said, it was mainly for 24/7 observations. But they didnt give me anything new. All they did was watch her and that was about it. No new diagnosis or medication changes except for the one to take to go to sleep. And all that did was wake her more so I put her back on the old medications when she came home. Whole thing was disapointing.