difficult child's Hair Test Results are in!

Hi out there. Here's a question for you. My doctor said that thank you's zinc level is fine. Actually it was high. But here's the thing. I've heard from some other people that the hair test always shows high Zinc defiency because the hair quickly releases it. I don't think this makes sense, but do any of you know the right answer? The Zinc level is fine but then he has those spots underneath his nails.

I feel like asking for all of the hundreds of dollars that I have spent through other doctors. I know this natural way is a bit more expensive but I wouldn't trade the results for anything. My son actually laughed at school for the first time, we catch him laughing when he does a mistake( not a major crying episode), he tells me he feels good!!!!! I love it. He knows that his shake will help him more than the "blue pills" (adderall) I put half of the pills into a shake with a banana. He'd much rather have that.

The info I want to share with you is about vision. My son sees just fine. He can't process it the right way which makes school work difficult for him. His eyes move all over the page. He rubs his eyes and then they get red and teary. Now we're going to start therapy to try to correct this. The best thing is that our insurance covers it. I wish our previous teachers could of seen this instead of telling thank you to work harder. And me to have him see special tutors. What a way to make a kid get more depressed. I'll post more after we have our next appointment. I think this is something to look into if school is still a problem not the behavoior. My sons teacher has told other parents to get this vision testing done. I've talked to a few of the parents and not one of them was disappointed. In fact all of them said that their kids got the therapy to train their eyes to work properly and then reading and comprehending wasn't so hard. I pray this works for us. thank you is 100 zillion times better than he was 5 months ago. I appreciate all of you and all of the wealth of info you share.

i'm new but i'm interested. i only wish there were a cheaper way to do this. i have no money for this at all. natural should mean free lol anyways, if anyone knows of a more inexpensive way please let me know. my son takes risperdal right now but it doesnt help him at all...mysti

It is a sad indicment when natural is so expensive. We spend lots of money on tests that are not done through our insurance company's lab, but what they don't get is that my kids are not at the doctor every 5 minutes. It actually saves money in the long run. Go figure! Unfortunately the drug companies have the HMOs and PPOs by the short and curlies. These insurance companies will pay a fortune for drugs that have a zillion side effects and damage our bodies in the long run. Is it surprising that so many folks are getting cancer? Is it surprising that it is costing a fortune to look after our elderly? There has to be a push to cover alternative medications, tests and doctors. Find me a good politician, preferably not one from GW Bush country where they have the worst track record for health. Sorry for the politics

Webmaster for Parents Of Allergic Children in Richmond Virginia.
difficult child heavy metals, yeast, leaky gut sydnrome, behavioral issues, food allergies, chemical allergies.