dmbaker63: intro post

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Well-Known Member
Hi dmbaker63 & welcome. I've taken the liberty of copying & pasting your post into it's own thread because it was originally buried into a thread from 2006:

My son was dropped from the school's cosmetology program with no warning for me or my child. He is in his junior year in high school and his dream of participating in this program has been the only motivation for him to go to school. He has been teased and bullied and made fun of from the first day he started school. We have struggled for so long to get him to this point and the only thing he said when he got home as he wept was that now he knows for sure he is a failure. This is breaking my heart and no one I turn to within the district will help. Is there anything I can do?


Dmbaker63, welcome. I'm glad you found us, but sorry you needed to.

Have you been given an answer about why your son was dropped from the program? Who in the school and the school district have you approached so far?

How heart-breaking for your son. I can only imagine how he feels.
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