Does Your Family Step Up To The Plate?


New Member
i think you just said the funniest thing ever
just to imagine my "helpless" family doing anything alone or for themselves.

last year i sprained my ankle and couldnt walk for a few weeks .
lets see here i got yelled at because i couldn't keep up the laundry and nobody cared if the house was dirty if i mentioned them helping.
i tried ....but have you ever tried to hop on one leg to the spot where you fold and hold clothes in your hand and try putting them away and keep your balance ?mmmm lets see i only fell on my face and butt numerous times. the sad part was my bunch would just sit and watch me.and thanks to no help where i kept trying to get things done and not resting took longer than ussual for my ankle to heal.
and lets see the last time i had the flu ...after 2 hours of asking for something to drink (because i could barely crawl to the toilet)my stepdaughter finally brought me some nice hot flat pepsi. ...but i guees beggars cant be choosers .