Dr Phil and Casey Anthony Parents


Well-Known Member
Oh the 96K? Yeah...I am so glad she is at least getting a tiny taste of what real world justice is. Her so called probation is a joke.


Well-Known Member
I saw bits and pieces of it and watched the trial. As an attorney, I was appalled at the acquittal but the burden is SO high for the People. They have to convince 12 people; the defenses only has to sway one.

I find it bizarre that anyone would believe that George participated in a coverup of an accidental death. He was a cop and he has to know that if the cops had been called immediately and the investigation showed she really drowned that there would likely have not been any consequences. Why hide the body if the death was a true accident?

My personal opinion is Casey is a sociopath and she shoulde be forcibly sterilized with dirty equipment.


I didn't see the first show, saw the tail end of the second show and taped and watched the entire third show (today).
I have never seen anyone in such denial (or worse) as would be the case of Cindy Anthony.
Both of these parents are in so much pain...but at least George seems to be slowly, but surely facing reality and gathering strength/courage.
He is not ok with re-establishing a "normal" relationship with his daughter should the opportunity arise.
It is horrendous how he and the son were basically "thrown under the bus."
The mother continues to make excuses for her daughter's ridciulous defense and even went so far to say that it would be ok for Casey to babysit should the brother have a child, etc.
Sven..I see Casey as a narcissist with strong sociopathic tendencies. And a parenting style like the mom's...
certainly can play a role in creating such a personality in a "child."
At first I thought Cindy was just employing tremendous defense mechanisms, but it really does seem to be MUCH more going on here.
The entire thing is just so sad and tragic.
Hopefully, something positive can come out of Caylees Law.

Terry...That thing about OJ calling it for what it is....PRICELESS, IRONIC, PATHETIC!
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Well-Known Member
I dont think Cindy and George will last a whole lot longer. More and more little things are going to come out that will send them completely apart from each other. Like Cindy just found out on Dr Phil that George really did believe Casey or someone with her gave the baby some sort of drug and it led to the babies death. When Cindy talks, George just watches her like someone does when they are listening to someone who is babbling delusional speech. Just like everyone did when I kept telling everyone I was pregnant with twins. Yeah...sure, uh huh. Now take these pretty blue pills.

I have no idea if Lee is in as deep denial as his mother but if he is, he is a fool too. I think Cindy really made very telling comment that could end up helping with that bar review case against Baez. She said that Baez called her into his office on the pretense of Casey wanting to tell her about what happened to Caylee but only wanted Cindy...not George. She gets in there and instead of telling her what happened, they start the whole we are going to go after george and lee and you need to back the party line.

For Cindy to say that Caylee could babysit anyone just shows how out of touch with reality she really is. George looked green at the mere thought.


Well-Known Member
George also seemed to be disappointed that Casey was acquitted of the more serious charges! He said that of course he didn't want her to get the death penalty but felt that she should have been held accountable, or something to that affect.
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I remember their faces when the verdict was read. I thought they were shocked. In retrospect, he seemed angry (as well) and I couldn't "read" her....just utter shock was what I got from it mostly. I think they both wanted to leave quickly...but him perhaps more than her. I wonder how he is going to do when all his shields completely come down (they seem to be falling down fast).