Dylan Wants To Do Karate


New Member
You guys have really given me alot of hope on this karate thing. Thank you all :smile:

Tonight is our first trip, so we'll see how it goes. It's only a 1/2 hour session, which will be super for Dylan, and private with the instructor, again, super. Then he'll go back again on Saturday for another 1/2 hour, private, same instructor, and from there Dylan can decide if he really likes it.

I'm a little worried he won't - athletic he is not. But I'm keeping positive and really PRAYING he will, because I know this could be so good for him.

Thanks again everyone!!



New Member
My difficult child is the farthest thing from athletic. We did the private lessons for a year then we switched to group.

Hope all went well!


New Member
Hi Janna,
Our difficult child boy who is turning 10 wants to take karate as well. We have been leary of this, just in that we are concerned that he may use it against against his sister. I do like the self discipline and respect that it teaches, however. Let us know how it goes!

By the way, I noticed Dylan is on Lithium and Abilify. Just a heads up, our difficult child was on ABilify for a year. His mom asked his doctors to give him more medications because he was acting up at her house. The ARPN kept him on ABilify and added Lithium. Our difficult child turned into a complete zombie. Went to the bathroom in his pants all the time, lost complete interest in everything he used to love because the medicine made him numb, developed severe anxiety and could not be physically apart from you for more than a foot, had night terrors, seemed to not be able to process anything, and then had a complete mental breakdown where he thought a monster was coming through the ceiling. He ended up making threats to kill himself during this breakdown and we admitted him to a Residential Treatment Center (RTC). FIrst thing the doctors did was take him off of the Lithium and told us that those two drugs should never be used together. They were not very happy with the ARNP that prescribed them.

Just wanted you to be aware, because we were not aware of the possible complications and suffered greatly. Hopefully your situation is much different :smile:


New Member

That's interesting that they told you the Lithium and Abilify shouldn't be used together. Typically, for BiPolar (BP)'ers, the mood stabilizer (in our case, Lithium) does alot of the work, however, they also need an antipsychotic in place (in our case, Abilify).

Dylan started on the Lithium first. We got to a theraputic level in 8 weeks and then added the Abilify.

For us, the mix has been a godsend, and sent him from a raging difficult child to an almost easy child. He's been on this mix almost a year, and it's been fantastic. No zombie. Actually, his teacher told me earlier this year she wished she had a classroom full of Dylan's. LOL! That's the first I ever heard that one!

For anyone interested, or that didn't see the gm threads, Dylan LOVED the karate. We did our 2nd session today, and I signed him up. He will go Thursday and Saturday for now, until summer, then 2x a week, through the week (we camp on the weekends).

She even gave him the yellow stripes for his belt today! LOL!

She (the instructor) kept on saying over and over to him, you don't use this in school. This is only for self defense. Over and over. She was great. I'm really glad he likes this!

Thanks again everyone,
