First IEP meeting...

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New Member

I am hopeful and have a much better sense that difficult child can realistically work towards and attain goals with the support provided by the soon to be set in motion IEP. It has been a long road and SD has conceded to the fact that, yes, my DS does qualify for an IEP. Even tho he is near the end of his secondary school journey, the validation and support available is significant for him. in my opinion, better late than never. Wish us luck.


New Member
It went well, thanks!

We are awaiting a copy of what was covered; basically, resource room available in lieu of study hall, accommodations for testing, chunking of assignments, etc. His Special Education teacher had much input and seems on top of things; the rest of the team was helpful, too (sigh of relief). difficult child was present also and was engaged. Post graduation plans were discussed and it was nice to hear that the community college he is considering attending is thought to have good supports available; seeking placement testing soon was suggested by one of the team members. I brought up difficulties he has been having with stimulant medications as well as anxiety (sometimes extreme) as it relates to school, just to be sure that the team is in the know; there was a suggestion to be sure to keep them apprised of medications he may try in the future; also, that he can visit the school nurse if he has any more problems with (what might be) panic attacks.
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