

New Member
To those of you with teen girls, have they had this vaccine? I have heard it is very painful, and my girl does not do shots well. Apparently you need doses at 3 separate times.

Any advice would be much appreciated.



I'm on the fence about this vaccine, too, but for other reasons.

difficult child's pediatrician is really pushing it, but it's just too new. They really pushed the chicken pox vaccine and I got it even though I had reservations. Now, of course, we know it loses it's effectiveness and I worry about difficult child contracting chicken pox during child-bearing years which could be bad for any pregnancy. Sigh...

I haven't made the decision, yet.


Active Member
With the chicken pox vaccine, you have to get it again after 10 years or something. If you don't get the boosters, you could potentially get it during childbearing years. I was not told that and I was a little annoyed when I found that out too. Plus, all four of my friends kids got chicken pox anyway, after having the vaccine.

hearts and roses

Mind Reader
Both my girls have had the series of shots.

The pain is localized to the shot area and advil takes care of that. The area is sore for about 3 days following, but the shot itself was not bad.


Well-Known Member
It's only two shots, two months apart. difficult child did not complain of any pain after but she did say it hurt when she gave it. The dr told her it was a very painful shot to get but she had no pain the next day.

It was a no brainer for me. difficult child is a high risk for HPV. Even though we know she is not sexually active right now her past behavior makes us realize this vaccine will be important for her in the future. We have urged easy child to get it also, although she says she plans on being abstinent until marriage. I still think if there is a vaccine that can help prevent cervical cancer and HPV and genital warts, it's important to consider very carefully.

I know my gyn strongly recommends it for young women. I asked him if I should get it and he just laughed :(.

by the way at my last pap test he did another screening test for the HPV virus that causes cervical cancer and said if that was negative I only needed a pap test every three years. Has anyone else done that? I was shocked when I got the bill for $500 though, and insurance didn't cover it.




Active Member
My daughter is only 12 but she has not and probably will not have the vaccine. They recommended it for her when she was 11. My understanding of it is that cervical cancer is easily detected and easily treated if detected early enough. It is the 14th most common cancer for women. Most people are exposed to the HPV virus and don't get cervical cancer.

It's a new shot and I don't believe all is known about it yet. It is painful and requires more than one shot. It only prevents 70% of cervical cancers. To me, it just isn't worth the risk, expense, and pain.

If it were ovarian cancer, which is hard to detect and then hard to treat, or breast cancer which is more common, I would do it.

I also think they are recommending it for girls so young because it needs to be given before exposure to the virus. At 19, it might be too late. I'm not sure about that part so it is something to ask about.

I think I am in the minority with this opinion but I thought it might help you to hear this side.


Well-Known Member
Both easy child's peddoc and gyn recommended the vaccination. And, it is series of three, not two shots. For some reason, the first shot was a little more painfull than the remaining two. easy child was sore for about three days after the first one, but not really at all after the other two. It could also depend on the person. Fortunately she has not fear of needles and has a pretty high pain tolerance (like her mother!).

When easy child's gyn mentioned it, I went home and researched it first. When she had her annual with the peddoc, we went ahead and began the series.


hearts and roses

Mind Reader
It's only two shots, two months apart.

It is one shot, then two months later another shot, and then lastly 6 months later the third shot.

If you think you're done, check with your DR to complete the series.

Early on I had some misgivings but then I thought about it and researched it, talked it over extensively with our family Dr as well as the gyno and decided it was a good choice, especially given difficult child's sexual promiscuous history.

My niece contracted HPV at 19 and had to have three procedures done on her cervix (cryogenic surgeries) from 20 - 22 years of age. They were extremely painful procedures. She's been told that the's lucky it was caught early enough or it could have had lasting effects.


Well-Known Member
FOP, I absolutely respect your right to make the decision that is right for your daughter. It is the same reasoning I used for the chicken pox vaccine (and then a month after I told the doctor I wasn't sure and wanted to think about it for awhile, easy child came down with them and difficult child, at 6 months, followed a week later!). The decision was mute at that point!!!

I feel the need to say that the virus that causes this type of cervical cancer is not screened by your annual pap (and it can take years after exposure to the virus before cervial cancer materializes). It is another test altogether which has not, as of yet, been approved (to be included with a woman's annual) by (the majority) insurance companies because it is really expensive.

Insurance companies historically are slow to approve and respond to tests that can detect and prevent woman's health issues. It took years and years to get them to approve yearly paps. It took a huge effort and millions of dollars to approve annual mammagrams for woman over 40. Things are getting better, but education and funding for woman's health issues still lags behind those of men.

Ok, that's my soapbox molment for the day!



LDM, Amen on the fight for women's health care coverage. Re: the mammogram, my mom says that as soon as they have a test that involves squeezing a man's testicles, she'll have one done. If men had to go through that, they'd have come up with another test by now.

It is 3 shots and they recommend starting them at such a young age because it takes 6 months for full effectiveness or something. Or maybe that's how long the series takes to complete.

It's just so new. I'd rather wait to see what is learned first.

Hound dog

Nana's are Beautiful
Both my girls had decided against having the shots.

Well, Nichole can't take vaccines anyway, so that rules her out completely.

Me, personally, I just don't see the big hurraw for this vaccine in the first place. No more than I did on the chicken pox vaccine. (which NONE of my kids had)

I think they're jumping the gun. But then, I happen to think they jump the gun on ALOT of things in the medical community.


New Member
I am on the fence on this one too. Its normal for a lil soreness for a few days near the vaccine site but in my opinion it is to new to the market and they are already trying to formulate another vaccine because some girls have experienced flu like symptoms after getting the shot. They were saying that they were not sure if it was actually related to getting this vaccine but it has been brought to the manufactures attention. I was looking for the link to this story that I had just read a week or so ago and stumbled across this. Yikes!!!

I am always leary of anything to new to the market and choose not to be a test rat. I worry about adverse reactions that cannot be reversed once injected. That happened to my niece when she got the birth control shot and it could not be reversed. She ended up in the ER over it.


member since 1999
I'm leaning towards it for Diva, even though she will not be allowed to date until she's 40.

Can't really tell you why, especially since I was vehemently opposed to (still am) chicken pox vaccine. The boys all had the pox but Diva never got it. Our state in its infinite wisdom made it a mandatory vaccine for school. I actually toyed with- the idea of homeschooling her over it but that would have just been so unfair to her. I do have the concerns about her getting pox as an adult.

on the other hand, I guess with Gardasil I kind of view it as extra extra protection since safe sex has been my mantra with the boys and will be more so with her (her body, her responsibility, etc), along with abstinence. But realistically... if the vaccine has no negative side effects aside from pain post shot, and has the potential to prevent HPV infection, I guess I'm for it.

Disclaimer - have had a couple/3 biopsies myself along with- 3 cryo-whatever they ares - I'm sure that colors my thoughts.


Well easy child has gotten the first of these. She got it the same day as the menengitis shot. She actually had a slight fever (nothing extreme) for a couple days and some pain in the arms. She is scheduled in February to get the second.

She never got the chicken pox shot because she got them before she could get it.

The only series she hasn't started is the Hepatitis A series. She has the B series but no A as we go to the visiting nurses (that is who our public health has contracted with) and they are not doing the A for older kids yet. It is much cheaper to got the public health route for us as the insurance on her wouldn't cover the vaccines and they are pricey.

This was discussed Oprah last Thursday, when Oprah had her gynecologist on. I don't know how to list an exact site, but if you use the one below, go to message board and then, type hpv into the search engine, you will be able to view discussion on that subject.

The gynecologist's recommendation was no vaccine.



New Member
Both my girls, easy child and difficult child, have had the full 3 shot series. They also have had the chicken pox booster. The kid's pediatrician is very good at explaining, and keeping up on new vaccine developments, so I trust her judgement. They have also had the meningitis vaccine.(That is only 1 shot).

The first gardasil shot was the most painful, but localized to arm muscle that received the shot. difficult child is needle fobic, but a popsicle(sp) and sticker bribed her enough to get it done.

Each parents has to weigh the pros and cons and decide what is best for their kids and family. I always say to go by your instincts.