Good Grief! difficult child's "new best friends"


Well-Known Member
As you may recall GFGmom decided that difficult child should move into his own place "as he is an adult". Right.

easy child/difficult child agreed to share an apartment with him and the first six days went well. THEN difficult child brought home two guys to play video games "all" day. Guys seemed ok.

Two days ago one guy and
his sister came over. They are his "new best friends".
They spent the night Friday
and showed up last night in
pj bottoms to spend the night again.

difficult child wants to save them as
their Dad is a "pagan". WTH
The girl has cooked most of the food. She has Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) so she cleans. difficult child says she
"has depression". Today she had a gauze bandage around her wrist.

easy child/difficult child is trying his best to
control difficult child. I feel badly for easy child/difficult child as he's trying to stay calm & sober. :(
Not easy to do with difficult child.


Well-Known Member
;) Well, true to difficult child behavior patterns, he has decided that she is "messed up" and they will no longer be friends. That's today. Tomorrow??? Who knows! DDD


Well-Known Member
M is on a similar path. And not seeing his therapist or taking medications. I'm very sad, but there's nothing I can do other than try to facilitate his mental healthcare.


Former desparate mom
Yikes DDD. Lots of drama already.
Hope you can disengage and not know "As The Stomach Turns" drama that is going on. Maybe only talk to them once a week. It will save you knowing
about new best friends who only last a day or two. Some things we don't have to know.