Good Morning Friday


Active Member
G'day, all.

We got rain! OK, we don't need it as much here on the coast, but the entire south-east of Australia has had some good, gentle, soaking rain over the last 24 hours. Even back o' Burke, Tippaburra, Dubbo - all got at least two inches, some got more. A lot of the rain has stopped already and it's nowhere near drought-breaking, but the timing is perfect for crops just sown. Some said it's the first rain for five years or more in their area. This featured on our news tonight. Inland got more than the coast, for one - we only got about an inch.

Dams - the catchment has soaked all this up, but any more rain will be runoff. Our rainwater tank runneth over!
Fran, I know you understand - Texas rains like it does here - mostly evaporates high up before it lands.

Our rain stopped abruptly at lunchtime - a brief, heavy windblown downpour that stopped like turning off the shower taps.

A poem I remember from school, years ago - it runs through my head at times like this. It has the rhythm of the rain in every chorus. All the place names - they cover the country.

I've made a start on changing difficult child 3's Geography - ironically, he's almost finished the worst of the curriculum. It's not the teacher's fault (well, maybe a little bit) - ALL kids in his grade in the entire state have to spend at least 8 weeks on the topic of 'global change". Maybe it COULD be presented in a more concrete way, we'll have to see. But he'll probably have to finish this topic with this teacher. Two more worksheets, but these look a little easier. I'll know more on Monday. There's a chain of communication I have to go through, and only one more teacher to get permission from. She's got both a phone message and an email.

Have a great Friday, everyone.



Good morning everyone!

Marg - Great news about the rain! Keep us posted on how things progress with Geography. I'm sure difficult child will breathe a big sigh of relief when he's done with this unit. You as well.

difficult child has a friend coming home from school with her and she is planning on spending the night. I've not met this little girl before, but she often calls when difficult child is absent to see if she is ok. Really nice girl. It makes my heart happy. :flower: They have to practice a skit for music class, so that should be fun to watch.

I hope everyone has a peaceful day.

Wiped Out

Well-Known Member
Staff member
Good Morning,

Marguerite-I'm glad you received some rain! I hope everything works out wit difficult child's curriculum.

Heather-How nice that difficult child is having a sleepover!!I'm glad your heart is happy! Enjoy watching the skit practice! :smile:

It's Friday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Only 4 more weeks of school to go!!!!!!!!!!!!Not that I'm counting or anything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! After work today I'm going directly to the club-I will not pass go or collect two hundred dollars-I will not be detoured from my mission-can you tell I'm trying to make sure I don't talk myself out of going instead of coming home and falling into bed?

It's going to be sunny and 70 today-with a warmer day ahead tomorrow :cool:

Enjoy your free choice Friday-I hope you find a reason to laugh :wink:


Former desparate mom
Good Morning Marguerite and Wyntersgrace. TGIF.

Marguerite,last summer was the first time I started to think we were headed to "dust bowl" conditions that hit the midsection of our country in the 1930's. I hope that is not so. Our lakes are to normal levels again which is reassuring. I hope the weather pattern changes for your country soon. It's pretty worrisome to see drought conditions year after year.

Wyntersgrace,it is wonderful for difficult child to have such a nice friend. Hope they have a blast.

Have a pleasant weekend everyone.


Well-Known Member
:bravo: Happy Free Choice Friday Morning!!!!

We made it!!!!!!!!!!

Marg, so glad to hear that you finally got a good amount of rain. I wonder if this is a new topic for geography and the school is still working out how to add it to the cirriculum.

Heather, glad difficult child is bringing home a buddy. Hope the girls have fun and you have a good weekend.

Sharon, great dedication and that was a good motivational speech! Hope you remember it after work :whistle:

Fran, I guess easy child is counting the days now? The school year is quickly drawing to a close (thank goodnesss on my side!!!!). Have a great weekend.

difficult child has had a really great week and finished all those assignments for his vgla notebook in la. So this week he trully earned his free choice friday. I asked him last night what he wanted his free choice to be and he said he wants to order Dominos Pizza, watch cartoon cartoon friday, then watch a movie with me!!! Well.........

easy child has a busy weekend. She will be driving (no I'm not biting my nails yet) about 45 minutes away to a show tonight. This is the first time I've let her go on the highway at night. I told her her curfew was still in effect. She said "but that means I have to leave at 10, that's so early." "Well, your other choice is not to go." She'll be home by 11. Then Satuday she will get up early and drive down to the river to best bud's grandma's house. They will spend all day tomorrow cleaning for a party next weekend and then they will spend Sunday on their boat.

Man, wish I had those kind of plans!!!!!!!!!!

Wishing everyone a great Free Choice Friday and a restful weekend :smile:.


timer lady

Queen of Hearts
Good morning friends,

Marg, the rain sounds so refreshing for you.

Heather, how exciting for difficult child. I hope she enjoys the sleepover.

Sharon, enjoy the workout today.

Fran, a good weekend to you as well.

Well, meeting with family therapists then onto a therapist appointment with wm. Home to get kt off to respite!!!! She packed last night & is ready.

husband & I have vacillated between working in the yard (my fun) & sleeping all weekend. I vote for a bit of both.

"Hi" if you snuck in.

Keep it calm - find a reason to laugh today.


New Member
Good morning everyone

Marg, happy to hear you finally got some rain. Hopefully this unit in geography will be over soon for difficult child and you.

Heather, sounds like a wonderful friend. I'm sure they will have fun together. :smile:

Sharon, I think we're all doing a little bit of counting with school being so close to an end. Enjoy your Friday, get some time for yourself in.

Fran, hope your weekend is wonderful.

Not much going on here today, husband already off and running with his sister, took her to a job thingie (where they do the drug testing and watch a safety film, etc.) Anyway she's still here with us, it hasn't seemed to affect difficult child in a negative way, it's even been a bit more calming for him it seems. I just hope it stays this way. :thumb:
Good morning to everyone that sneaks in.
Anyway, hope everyones Friday and weekend is pleasant and stress free. :flower:


Well-Known Member
Good morning Marg, Heather, Sharon, Fran, LDM, Linda & Joanne.
My allergies hit big time overnight, so I may be going back to bed for a little while this morning. Have a good day. :smile:


Former desparate mom
Sharon, we have exactly a week until school is out. easy child turns 18 today. Yay! husband and I survived the school system for both of our kids. We feel like we made it to the end zone. :princess:
Good Morning :coffee:,

Marg, I'm glad you finally got RAIN!!! :princess:

Heather, It's so nice that your difficult child has a friend coming over!!! I would be so happy if my difficult children had friends!!!

Sharon, You CAN DO IT :smile:!!!

Fran, I hope you have a good weekend too!!! I know you must be VERY BUSY with easy child graduating soon!!!

Sharon, I'm glad your easy child has such a nice weekend planned. I'de like to join her myself! Enjoy the quality time with difficult child!!

Linda, ENJOY your weekend!!! You and husband have definitely earned it!!!

Joanne, I hope husband's sister continues to be a calming influence for difficult child!!!

TM, I hope you manage to get some sleep and feel better soon!!!

I'm in a rush - meeting for difficult child 2. I'm beginning to see a faint shimmer of light at the end of a LONG dark tunnel...

I hope everyone has a calm, peaceful, uneventful difficult child weekend!!! WFEN :flower:


New Member
Good morning all! We made it through another week!

I feel for all of you that have school for another 4 weeks. Next Thursday is our last day. Then difficult child starts summer school with the hopes of moving on to 6th grade!

My dad (and his girlfriend) is actually going to take all 3 kids for a couople of hours tomorrow evening so husband and I can have some alone time. He's not usually keen on keeping the kids, but I think he can tell that we have hit a new low.

Here's to a great and uneventful weekend for all!


New Member

I'm glad the weather has cooperated with you. That's more than I can say for myself though I am *finally* back at home after 3+ days of black out. Enjoy the rain!

I want to thank you again for your thoughtful replies. You really made me think about the ways in which I talk to Seb about his "disorders". I've been way too matter of fact with him which has probably only increased his anxiety-- I fear that I may have made him feel defective.

It's funny-- I think I'm doing a good job at being a mother and then BAM, I realize that I would have benefittted from operating instructions. Sometimes my intuition has me do the wrong things. I thank you for helping me see that there are more productive ways to talk to your kids about the diagnoses.

And yes, it does sound like we have quite a bit in common. Not only does my Seb seem like your difficult child 3-- we also share the PTSD issue (I am a 9/11 WTC survivor). I often wonder if I would react to Seb's explosiveness differently if I had not experienced a traumatic event.

Ooof, and there I ended on a heavy note. We don't have to go there.
