Good news Board Aunties!

Hound dog

Nana's are Beautiful
I'm going to have another grandchild come January. :)

Nichole tested positive 3 times yesterday. Guess you can't get much more positive than that! :rofl:

This is a sort of planned pregnancy. Nichole doesn't want another wide gap like there is between Aubrey and Oliver. "Sort of" because they were going to start trying in a few months. God had other plans.

Everyone is hoping for a little girl to balance things out a bit. We adore the boys and have a ton of fun with them, but it sure would be nice to buy the cute lil girl things again. Kayla has hit the teen years (EEK) and Aubrey is 7.

If it's a girl the name has been decided long ago. Elise. After mother in law. Then we will have an Elise and Oliver in the family again. :)