good news update


trying to survive....
At the end of the school day difficult child 2's teacher stopped me and said we need to talk !!!(heart starts beating fast) Well he said...I wanted to let you know that for about four weeks now I've seen a huge improvement in difficult child 2 self-control and impulsivity in the classroom !! He also said that he's really vested in the poetry writing unit...and that he's actually been producing decent writing overall !!! :its_all_good: difficult child 2 has been off the zoloft and on the lexapro for about 5 weeks whatever the cause...change in medicaiton, maturity, and a bad first quarter report card...I'm pleased !!

Now we just need to see more improvements at home !! By the end of the day he's hyperactive and frustrates easily !!


Well-Known Member

Could it be the content of this lesson? My difficult child always does better when she is interested.
