Harrassment? Opinions.

hearts and roses

Mind Reader
If a comment makes you feel uncomfortable in any way or you find it offensive and out-of-bounds at all, then plain and simple, you should report it.

It's not about getting him in trouble or fired, it's about your comfort level and how you feel when that person is around you and what he/she says to you that makes you feel uncomfortable. If you had an established relationship where banter was the norm, then I think his comment would slide by without a thought. But because you know part of his history but do not have an established relationship with him, his comment gave you a wicked case of the skeeves. Because it was creepy and he's creepy. No question there.

Do you know all the details and/or circumstances surrounding his last reprimand and subsequent transfer? Was he transferred due to a comment or touch? To what extent were the damages. What responsibility did the other party play in his transfer and were they on an even playing field, ie., both cashiers or was he in a managerial position and the other person was the janitor...Are they simply hoping that by moving him he will behave? All of these circumstances matter when it comes to filing a lawsuit against a person and company in the case of sexual harrassment.

Reporting it may do nothing if the company chooses to let him skate, Know what I mean?? However, I do think you should report as part of your exit interview as well as inform the other girls of his comment and tell them to watch their back.


Well-Known Member
Star, I like Heather's idea of an exit interview. That would dovetail nicely.

Wow, that guy really jumped --from toebidextrous to sexdextrous! I can see why he has problems. Sex is always on his mind. Not much you can do with-someone like that but stay away from him. I think your response made it clear. Let's hope he doesn't do that again.

I wish you the best of luck with-your situation. Let us know what happens.


Well-Known Member
Legally, it's only something to report if he starts making your work life difficult or withholding hours or promotes someone else or demotes you because of your reaction to it.

Legally, take notes. At this point, I would wait until you have a scheduled review with his boss to say something, but if it becomes ongoing, you need to ask for formal meeting, present your notes, and ask his boss to talk to this guy.


call 911........call 911

I did it like this -

Since I am leaving, and since the new asst. manager has a history of sexual harrassment and SINCE he IS a special needs (autistic) teacher full time......I thought this needed to be said.

I told the manager that I did not want to sit down with anyone and "file" anything. BUT for her sake and the sake of the other girls AND to VALIDATE the girl at the other store that "accused" him of it, and maybe was or wasn't believed? I told the boss what was up and she said she would "report" it to the DM.

She did tell him. And on the phone - he said (quote) "Well the word TOE in toebidextrious is "leading"."

WHAT THE BLUE BLAZES IS HE TALKING ABOUT? Now TOES are an invitation to verbally envision me in a milk bath? OMG....

Okay - so now you know the rest of the story - this man is the reason I am leaving. He's an idiot. He's a "I'll get back to you" person with a very poor set of managerial skills. Well for him they are good - he says something, means it and then recants. I can't and won't work for a company like that. They have had 3 months to fix the lights in the parking lot - and yet every night we leave later and later due to heavy volume of business....and still no lights. There were other factors - but I'll just say I've never worked for a company that told me to my face that EVERYONE is a thief....that works here. We all steal. - Once I heard that? I wrote my notice. No mister - we don't all steal. (the explaination was - ink pens, minutes talking and not working) I didn't buy it. Peeved me off....and now it's cost them. Oh well - maybe they'll find someone that will work in an accusatory mind set - but not me.