help with 6 yr old


New Member
the birth was rough. when he was born the dr refused to do a c-section even though his head was 16 in. He was bruised scrapped and extremely cone-head. The pediatrician said there could be damage that we don't see yet(they did a cat scan the next day but was normal). I know that's part of it. As the dr said last month 'i think it's a bunch of things combined to make a bad situation'. I think he has the empathy due to his father and the ADHD comes from me and the the rest i think is due to the birth (like the sexually reactive and death thoughts)


New Member
i am not sure what his birth father has he has never been diagnosis but he has no empathy and can't relate to others. When i filed for divorce he couldn't believe it that we were so happy even though we always yelled at eachother and i cried everynight. His father doesn't have any idea how to feel for others and he lives in his own reality


It took a neuropysch at the Residential Treatment Center (RTC) 3 days of following difficult child 1 around before coming up with a diagnosis, and I'm still not sure that diagnosis is 100% accurate. It is better than we had though.


New Member
As a mom it's natural to want to know what's wrong and have a name for it but unfortunately I think they give it the best name they can at the time because there isn't always a reason or answers to the biggest questions I know I have 'What's wrong?, 'Why is he this way? and 'Can it be fixed?


New Member
I'm really sorry that you are going through this heartbreaking situation- agreed that it's best that he's out of the home if he's a danger to his family. I'm sure that it's a tough decision, but you're doing the right thing by protecting the rest of your family. It's very difficult to know where your son will land, but I wouldn't assume the absolute worst. It's possible that things could improve drastically-he is extremely young and with the help that he is receiving now, it may work out better than you predict. Stay strong-you are doing the best that you can for your family. You are getting your son help, keeping your marriage intact, and protecting your other children.


New Member
After the past couple of weeks we now know he does have hallucinations visual and tactile. they are sending him for test to see if he is Schizophrenic. I know most say it's too early to tell but that's because most people don't develope all the signs till they are older but there are rare cases where children can have them, and it sounds like my son does. It would explain all of his behaviors


kiml, you're right. They typically don't diagnosis that at a young age but if it least it should open some doors to get help for him. Thanks for coming back to update us. We'd love it if you'd stick around.


New Member
I'm so glad someone is trying to help you find answers. Hang in there, yes, it is sad but you are doing what is best for him. There are many of us who have the kid who got the rare thing. Doesn't matter how rare it is when your kid has it, you still have to deal with it. I hope you update us, I'll be thinking of you and praying you get the help you need for him.


New Member
Thanks for all of your support. It's hard when the therapist sits and keeps saying I just don't know but there is something definitely wrong. She has come consumed with trying to find an answer, and I appreciate her so much for it. It's so hard to look into my 6 yr olds eyes and think that he has a mental disorder and hallucinations, he is just a little boy


New Member
I wish we could give you a real hug. Mental illness is really challenging and yes, it is horrible to think that of a six year old. I'm so glad you are with someone you know cares. These things can change over time, we think we have the answer then six years later another totally different diagnosis. I just read an article from a child dev. center near me where the mom said the story we often hear here...her son was first diagnosed in early childhood with adhd and depression, a couple of years later they added Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), then a couple of years later ODD/anxiety...then when he was in fifth grade I think, they said he got the diagnosis of Asperger's and now?? He is picking a college.

Why some kids have such a rough road growing up?? I just can't answer it, some days I struggle a lot with that one. We grieve and then grieve again when a new milestone hits and we are reminded that due to this ....whatever.....that wont be his journey. Then other days you revel in the amazing little accomplishments your child makes. Things that for any other child would just be a matter of course. We get the privilege of truly appreciating every small step, every accomplishment. There are some blessings that come out of all of this. Some days it doesn't seem so but you will be able to feel them, I promise.

He is still your precious child, he happens to have a condition. You are getting him the best help you can and that is a wonderful thing.


Well-Known Member
I am so sorry you have these difficult decisions to make. My only add to the others is that sometimes protecting your child from doing something awful they have to live the rest of their life with is the best parenting move. Even if it means they have a different address than you.

Super huge hugs!


New Member
another update. The specialist has a waiting list so end of august for his test (i can wait I have been waiting for years). They are going to put him on anxiety medications to see if his anxiety disorder is making him hallucinate (it's a stretch but they are really wanting an answer outside of schizophrenia) It's a long shot but we are hoping. He is on 3mg of intuniv and respiradol and whatever they decide for anixety (they were thinking prozac but my family has a bad history of anger when on that drug so they are trying to find something else)


New Member
Well, it is July already, I guess that is not really the longest wait I have heard of...

has he had a neurological exam just to make sure? an MRI or eeg to check that there are not seizures or anything contributing to any of this? Like you needed one more thing to check, sorry.


New Member
We did an EEG and MRI several months ago and no seizures. It took the neurologist 20 min of meeting my son before he ordered the MRI. He advised me that even if it came back normal to not let my son go to regular school and that he believed he needed special attention and that I was right to be concerned. So I have 4 Dr.'s agree that there is something definitely wrong but no answers. I hate to say schizophrenia but it fits all his symptoms, but hoping mybe the anxiety thing pans out because I have been reading up on schizophrenia in children and with intense help After 30 years, of the people diagnosed with schizophrenia: 25% Completely Recover; 35% Much Improved, relatively independent; 15% Improved but require extensive support network; 10% Hospitalized, unimproved; 15% Dead (Mostly Suicide).