Help with Food-5 yo will not try any foods


New Member
I've had it. My 5 year old refuses to try any new foods. I'm down to rice, pasta and taco meat. No veggies/fruit/nothing else. Oh, thats not true; he eats chips and sweets and other garbage. I would accept it it he tried something and said, "I don't like it", but he refuses to try anything. What am I going to do? force him? He has total meltdowns. He has gone to bed without dinner and it doesn't bother him. We go over to friends/family houses for dinner and its embarrasing. He won't eat anything. I even tried playing games, try this...and get a spoon of pudding...He just refuses.

About my son, diagnosed ADHD and Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD)-not otherwise specified, receives special servcies at school and has made some progress, but there are always other issues.

Anyone have any ideas or advice?


Mom? What's a difficult child?
We have a rule in our house, some days it is harder to stick to! But husband and I try hard to pick our battles... meaning, if K or N have other more serious issues at hand, and they are not losing weight or malnourished... it truly isn't worth it right now. Know what I mean??
So, both of our girls have sensory processing disorder (SPD)/Sensory Integration Disorder (SID)... so they have food issues on different levels. I try not to battle even though it frustrates me to no end. K only wants carbs and sweets. N is just flat out picky and eats very little. I mean a tiny amount.
But they are both healthy.
I have to do extra work... but it makes for less fighting. This morning I made N a bowl of organic oatmeal... No! So I just put one of those Annies blueberry poptarts in front of her and some chocolate soy milk and some fresh fruit. I walked away. Those were her choices. She ate a little bit of each.
I let them eat good food but they think they are getting *junkfood*
K eats a LOT... so I have to limit her. I portion out her food and then put out fruit.
It is not always fun... I put out choices a lot of times and that is it. Eat what you want.
In our house though we have an agreement that they have to take a bite, just one bite of everything.
Good luck!


New Member
First of all, yes he has sensory issues.....We had a hard time with clothing, but we seem to have figured that out. I agree, I have to pick my battles, but he won't try any foods. Won't open his mouth. He is not malnourished, just "slender". You know, there is a fine line of what his disability is and what he is just being a "*******" about. How do you define that line? He is the middle child of 3 and I find myself making 3 or 4 different dinners every night. It's crazy. In my mind, I go back and forth. Give in to him or hold my ground. It's hard and I'm tired.


Well-Known Member
Our son did the same thing. It lasted about 3 yrs.
I found that if he didn't eat anything at mealtime, we would put the food away and not allow him to eat anything else that night. Usually within a cpl days he'd be hungry enough to at least eat a teaspoonful of something, but we had to endure meltdowns because he is mildly hypoglycemic.
Also, eating out when he was very little was quite interesting. Most kids love soups, so we took him to a Japanese restaurant and told him that the miso soup with-tofu was actually marshmallow soup. He ordered two bowls of it every time! It lasted until he was 8, LOL.
Now if he's stubborn, I just put the food on a coffee table or dinner table and walk away. He eats it when I'm gone (I have to remove the dogs because for a while there I wasn't sure who was eating it!). But he will argue that he hates it if I'm standing there.
Go figure.


New Member
I have/had severe sensory issues when it comes to food. I remember being about 5 or 6 and the only thing I was willing to eat was a certain bread -- everything else either smelled funny or tasted yucky. There was nothing my mother could do to induce me to eat other foods. I've gotten better but smell and texture are still major issues.

What my parents did was quite simple -- I had to sit at the table. I could not play with my food. If I chose not to eat, that was okay, but I would be polite and converse with frends and family and a young lady at mealtime (that is, no squirming, no tossing food, etc.). My plate would be left out for me. If I chose to eat (rarely), it was there. However, there would be no other food for me and if I chose to not eat, no dessert. I did not starve to death. I was required to eat a chewable multi-vitamin every mornng. I was not malnourished. I was slender (okay, skinny) but a very healthy child. My pickiness caused no harm and I did learn to eat a lot of the foods I refused as a child.


Active Member
First of all, yes he has sensory issues.....We had a hard time with clothing, but we seem to have figured that out. I agree, I have to pick my battles, but he won't try any foods. Won't open his mouth. He is not malnourished, just "slender". You know, there is a fine line of what his disability is and what he is just being a "*******" about. How do you define that line? He is the middle child of 3 and I find myself making 3 or 4 different dinners every night. It's crazy. In my mind, I go back and forth. Give in to him or hold my ground. It's hard and I'm tired.

I've been there, done that with sensory issues, including foods. I'd strongly advise not to push a child with Sensory Integration Disorder (SID) into eating specific foods. If you had any food/food odor aversions when you were pregnant, think about what that was like and consider having that going on every single day of your life. (For me, that was green beans and raw meat and it made me gag and run for the bathroom every time.)

There is an anxiety component to Sensory Integration Disorder (SID) that can really compound matters. At one point we hit serious sensory overload here and I assure you that it wasn't pretty. Making a big deal of it will make it worse. I agree with the putting it on the table and walking away if it's becoming an issue.

Offer healthy foods in the groups that he will eat, give him a daily multivitamin, and get private occupational therapy so you can sit in and learn the ropes. Don't worry about him eating what everyone else eats at the table--just offer healthy stuff that he likes. And as he ages and grows he may become more flexible.

If he's gaining weight and growing over a year's time, don't worry about malnutrition.


New Member
My ds does not like veggies. I suppose he is pretty typical in this area even though he has other issues. What I do is just make a dinner and ask that he try one bite. You say that your ds won't even do that. Well here are some off the top of my head ideas to try-maybe they will work maybe they won't.
1)Have him help you make dinner. He can spoon dip in a bowl. You could have:
broccoli/cheese dip, carrots/ranch dressing, cucumbers/hummus,apples/carmel dip, etc.
2)Make funny faces out of things or call things funny names-love the "marshmallow soup" idea somone suggested above.
3)Slip veggies or fruits into a smoothie or meatlaof or soup.
4)Remind him of flavors he does like. If he likes strawberry fruit snacks then give him a real strawberry and say "this is what they smush up to make those fruit snacks you love"
5)Remember as was said above-he won't starve to death.


New Member
There are two things to consider. It may be a texture/color/newness thing, as often can happen with kids on the autism spectrum.

It could also be a gluten/caesin thing. If your child is sensitive to (as are many kids on the autism spectrum) gluten (pasta) and caesin (dairy) then that is all they will want to eat.

Try giving the difficult child rice pasta for a month instead of regular pasta. You might see a whole new world open up.

My difficult child used to eat nothing but yogurt & goldfish (both HIGH in gluten/caesin). That and cereal.

We did have to fight for a while, but once I get it out of his system, we have had a much easier time.

Sometimes though, I found I just had to starve him in order to get him to eat. He ate what we put in front of him or he didn't eat at all. That seemed to work eventually, though we really had to stick to it because it seems like he would wait until smack dab in the middle of meals to have his huge "I'm hungry" meltdown. After he saw we weren't going to give in, he stopped throwing the tantrums.

But he DID throw them...


Ok-my difficult child--one issue he never had was food--only a few items he wouldn't eat-- and I certainly didn't argue over it since there were so few- (spinach, shrimp)-- and actually he eats those things today

Well-- you want advice-- I read in one of those lovely parenting magazines once that you should say ok-- if he doesn't want to eat -- but it goes in the fridge until the next day-- when it is offered again--obviously he wouldn't get anything until then-- and this advice was for kids who wouldn't eat ANY of something--like wouldn't eat ANY green veggies, or ANY meat etc. etc.

But I also agree to choose your battles wisely. Sometimes, kids just outgrow some of this stuff. I understand that you are upset -- and worried that he will be malnourished--but I doubt that will happen. I would also draw the line with making 4 different meals. That is not reality. He will eventually eat what you make.

Good luck!!


Active Member
This is something we have dealt with in triplicate. OK, maybe duplicate - difficult child 1 was always hungry, would eat just about anything.

Jody, your son is diagnosed Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD) and has Sensory Integration Disorder (SID) issues. So please, don't fight him on food or you will make him worse. The things tat might work with other kids, including making him go without - don't do it here. It will make it worse. I speak from experience - not only of my own kids, but I helped raise my nephews and nieces. One nephew, this didn't work with. We now are discovering, now he's in his 40s, that he's Aspie.

Jody, he's 5. That is also too young to force the issue. But I have a few things that can help. You WILL cop criticism form family/friends who will say, "Force the issue," but stand your ground. They are easier to stand up to than your son. Don't engage in battle with your son unless you know you can win. Frankly, I have learned to avoid ALL battles. That way he has come to see me (us) as helper, not obstacle. Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD) kids have the most amazing tenacity I have ever seen. Think what a useful tool this tenacity can be, when they learn to use it to achieve positive things! So don't make them use it to refuse you.

In what I am about to describe, I will talk mostly from difficult child 3's preferences. But I had to deal with easy child 2/difficult child 2's faddishness as well. I hadn't realised just how much until she moved out of home three months ago.
OK, here is what has worked for us:

1) I made up lots of supplies of the foods he WOULD eat and froze stuff in takeaway containers. One container at a time would be in the fridge, so serves could be doled out and microwaved on demand. I did my best to make sure what he ate was as balanced as possible. I continued to cook 'normal' food for everyone else. Microwave ovens make this easy - I keep a supply of pre-cooked bolognese sauce (much the same as taco meat - what IS this? Interesting...) and it's quick and easy to feed him separately. An interesting thing about the bolognese sauce - it had to be MY recipe, preferably cooked by me. Even husband would cook it subtly differently and difficult child 3 would complain. My best friend cooks a bolognese that difficult child 1 prefers. difficult child 3 wouldn't eat it.

2) I let him eat what he was happy to eat, so he felt secure that I wouldn't try to deceive him. He HAD to trust me.

3) Once I was sure he was secure, I would still make sure he always had his "sure" foods available but would insist he have ONE taste of what else we were eating. I did find I had to make sure that what I asked him to taste did NOT have the properties of or similarities to foods I knew he disliked. (For example, difficult child 3 hates creamy textures. easy child 2/difficult child 2 hates anything NOT with creamy texture.) difficult child 3 was more willing to have a taste when he KNEW that we wouldn't trick him or cheat him and that he could eat his favourite foods afterwards. Over time he did learn to broaden his tastes.

4) NO dessert until you've eaten your dinner - he would want ice cream for dessert. We used it to encourage, not as a threat. "Come on, only a couple more mouthfuls and then you can have your ice cream."

5) For a long time we had separate meals - difficult child 3 often needed to be fed earlier because if we waiteduntil everyone was home and ready for dinner, difficult child 3 would be too tired to eat. Besides, eating with him could be too distressing. We had family meals on weekends but during the week I'd feed him his dinner alone, early. I know it's not what is advised, but it got food into him, he was nourished, we weren't fighting, and he still got his lessons in family eating and table manners on weekends.

6) This next step, I have easy child and BF1 to thank. They came with us to New Zealand last year. Part of the delight (for me) of travel is sampling the local foods. In New Zealand we were on the road for the first week, so we were mostly eating takeaway or restaurant meals. difficult child 3 had no choice, we had no frozen supplies to fall back on. We knew we could always fill him up with bread or chips, or barbecued chicken, but it was annoying to have to leave good food and then go buy more. We have our techniques - I often wouldn't order my meal until after difficult child 3 had tried what was available. Or we would doggy-bag leftovers and someone in our group would eat it for breakfast.
But BF1 said to difficult child 3, "You need to have tastes. But I don't just want you to say whether you like it or not, I want to know WHY."
difficult child 3's language delay is in the past, but a legacy of this is his difficulty sometimes in finding the right words. So this was challenging on several levels (and I don't know if your five year old could do this). Again, we did this NOT with an air of, "You must do this because I say so!" but more as you would talk to a colleague visiting from overseas to whom you are showing the delicacy of your country. Slowly we got difficult child 3 to not only more willingly taste new foods, but to explain why he liked or disliked them. Often it came down to texture; we quickly learned to not insist, if the food clearly was creamy. But we also found some interesting things about difficult child 3 - he is highly sensitive to bitter tastes. We know husband is, so it seems difficult child 3 has inherited husband's sensitive taste buds. Where we know difficult child 3 doesn't like certain foods (such as spinach) because of something in the taste (rather than the texture) we know to not even try, if a food is too similar.

Since the trip to New Zealand difficult child 3 has been much more actively willing to try new foods. He is now actively challenging himself. I was actually partway through typing this when mother in law dropped in. She has a carton of cream she bought by mistake and wants me to have it. But on my diet, I can't eat cream. However, I had a brainwave - I asked difficult child 3 to look up his Nintendo Cooking Guide (for the DS) and search for recipes using cream. This gadget is brilliant - not yet available in the US, although the recipes have been clearly written with the US market in mind (terminology, for example). difficult child 3 loves using it and since we got it he has helped us cook a number of recipes. When he cooks something, he is more willing to taste it. He also tastes it during the cooking process.

So now we have two recipes using cream but we have settled on Chicken Pot Pie. difficult child 3 is going to help me make it.

Something else that helped difficult child 3 was when he learned about nutrition and health at school. Here is where the Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) can come in handy - when he knew that healthy eating needs balanced nutrition and a variety of food, he made more effort. He eats salad vegetables (especially tomatoes). Other vegetables - he prefers them raw.

Other help - getting difficult child 3 involved in growing herbs and vegetables. Of course herbs taste awful if you eat them straight. But add them to a recipe, and it improves it. Again, the bolognese sauce recipe of mine showed him this - I got him to help me cook and showed him how I pick herbs to put in my recipe. I got him to smell each one then I tied them together to throw in the pot with red wine. difficult child 3 was horrified - until I said that was how I always cooked his food. The alcohol boils out, I told him. The herb flavours blend in and make it even better.

It all helped him understand.

A few weeks ago I had to go out for a couple of hours so I asked difficult child 3 to pick the snow peas from the garden; "you may eat as many as you want," I told him. difficult child 3 likes to eat fresh peas because he shells them first. Even snow peas. Then he eats the pods.

difficult child 3's best friend is 10 and also high-functioning autistic. He is a shocker for not eating. His mother cooks a wide variety and gets cross when he won't eat. She's coped with him by surrounding him with a lot of change and confusion (invites the neighbourhood kids in) and I think it helps, but the payback is he wants control over his diet.
What she does - it's also what I've done - we shove food in front of them when they're busy with something else. When they're distracted it's easy to say, "Just take another bite."

I teach chess at lunchtime at the local school (where difficult child 3's friend is still a student). I teach at lunchtime and I often walk past friend and say, "Just take another bite of your sandwich," and without taking his eyes off the chess board, he reaches out, picks up his sandwich and takes another bite.

Once your child is more willing to have tastes, you may find some progress.

Think about what he eats - what do these foods have in common?

I would cut out the sweets, try to replace them with a fruit equivalent. As for vegetables - does your taco sauce have tomato in it? Because then tomato is a start, raw as a salad vegetable.

Fruit - begin with strawberries, mango, banana, pineapple and freeze it. Puree it from frozen and make a frozen smoothie with it. You can also freeze this into paddle pops (icy poles or whatever you call them). No added sugar needed, if you also use a ripe banana or ripe mango.

Vegetables - let him try them raw. I've found difficult child 3 will eat carrots a lot. He raids the fridge, sometimes I go to prepare dinner and find all the carrots and tomatoes have been eaten. difficult child 3 also likes eating the bits most people throw away. I peel carrots for dinner and I now peel them into a bowl, so difficult child 3 can eat the carrot peel. I peeled some apple yesterday (to make applesauce for pork chops) and left the peel for difficult child 3. It's OK for him to eat this, as long as the food is pesticide-free. Vegetables that we grow, he's also more willing to eat. He will pick parsley from the garden and eat that.

We've come a long way, but difficult child 3 IS nearly 15. When he was 5, he was a shocker. We would visit friends, and I would bring difficult child 3's food with me. Friends had to understand, it wasn't personal. It's part of his diagnosis and he had to feel secure and in control of what he was fed, because his Sensory Integration Disorder (SID) was too distressing.

If your difficult child won't eat "pudding" it could be the texture. My difficult child 3 loves cake, but until VERY recently he wouldn't touch cake, not even his own birthday cake, if it had cream on it. When he was younger I had to break off any icing or cream and just give him the cake bit. Then he discovered sugar. Then he made a cake for school two years ago (Black Forest cake, for German class) and made himself try it - and found the cream part wasn't too bad.

It's difficult, but if your child had dietary problems (say, had diabetes) you would have to make allowances. This is not so different.

But cut out (or cut back on) the sweets. Or maybe use them as a reward, for trying something new. Even if it was only a taste. The taco meat is perhaps the best thing for him at the moment - it's got protein, iron, some fat, hopefully some tomato - it's concentrated nutrition. See if he will take a multivitamin to help, for now. I found because of the Sensory Integration Disorder (SID) I had to get my kids onto tablets and capsules from very young, they hated liquid medicine.

Good luck with this one. It is a long-drawn out problem, this won't fix itself fast if he's Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD) plus Sensory Integration Disorder (SID). You will need patience, tolerance and your sense of humour. Teach him to cook. He's old enough now to learn some simple recipes. Teach him to garden and grow his own. Get some hens and teach difficult child to look after them and collect the eggs. Teach him nutrition.

You shouldn't need to make 4 different meals. Prepare difficult child's in bulk ahead of time and then you only need to make one dish for everyone, and reheat difficult child 3's.

I'd better go - I've got to go make chicken pot pies with difficult child 3.


Marg's Man

Sounds like I'm getting chicken pot pie for dinner.

Bit grim when you've gotta read a web post to 'talk' to your wife!

Marg's Man :)


Active Member
Cheeky beggar...

Nah - too hot to cook.

Although maybe, now you've reminded me...

But there IS Quiche Lorraine, as well, only I'm fairly sure it's too creamy for difficult child 3 to eat.

Maybe when the sun goes down, we'll get cooking.



Well-Known Member
M did that for about a year. We went to a therapist who told us we were nuts for catering to a 7 year old. He was right. Dinner time was dinner time and he could eat or not. We weren't big snackers so not letting him eat snacks wasn't a problem. Cereals and breakfast foods came to the bedroom with us at night.

He got over it a day or so after that. He was still picky, but it was his choice to be hungry or not and we didn't worry about it. He didn't starve.


Active Member
The difference here, though, is the Sensory Integration Disorder (SID) plus the Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD). The most we've been able to force things, is the insistence on having a taste of new foods. There is a HUGE difference between a picky eater in a kid who is otherwise fairly normal (although perhaps a bit indulged) and a kid on the autism spectrum who has real issues with the texture and/or taste of their food, as well as a desperate need to control things in their environment. If you try to force a kid like this, you run a very real risk of losing the war.

I had a picky eater in easy child. She was a real problem, but she did learn to eat what she was given. That's why I could really see the difference, when I hit the brick wall with easy child 2/difficult child 2 and especially difficult child 3. Then I remembered my sister's son who would always ask for Vegemite sandwiches. She tried aversion therapy, gave him nothing but Vegemite sandwiches and water. Breakfast, lunch, dinner. Snacks. Nothing else at all. My sister was the first one to crack. I think it had lasted for several weeks at that stage and he was still contentedly munching his Vegemite sandwiches.

At least he didn't have a B Vitamin deficiency!



New Member
I don't have a kid with Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD) or sensory issues but I do have a "picky" eater and I was also a picky eater as a kid. I have never forced the issue with my dtr, just pretty much let her eat what she would eat. She is now 17 and has broadened her eating interests considerably though she is now a vegetarian so that presents some difficulties.

My parents didn't force the issue with me and I am grateful. Mealtimes were not battlegrounds, I just ate whatever I liked of the dinners we had or my mom would make me a peanut butter sandwich or let me eat cereal, etc. I am sure they could not have won if they had tried to engage me in a battle of wills. I was a very skinny child but I survived and certainly have made up for it now! Around the time I turned 17 I was much more willing to try new foods and now I like most things and am not considered picky anymore.

Just my 2 cents worth--



New Member
Having sensory issues does make it much different from being a picky eater. Some foods just won't go down. The second they hit the mouth, the whole body rebels. For me, eatng mashed potatoes would be like you having to eat dog dung. If you had to, you could do it but you'd be ill long before it hit your stomach. There is something in the texture -- lumpy, smooth, with or without gravy -- that just makes it awful to me.

Mexican food nauseates me. It's an odor issue with it. I really can't get it beyond my nose to hit my mouth and, believe me, I've tried.

Picky eaters don't want to try to eat -- they're afraid it won't taste good and sometimes it's a control issue with them. Sensory Integration Disorder (SID) eaters can't eat the food. It is painful in one way or another to get the food down.

These food aversions in me are not a loathing of the foods. They are a body revulsion. I have no control over the fact that my mouth hates the texture of mashed potatoes, puddings, jello -- anything soft and mushy (and, no, I don't like soups, either but I can eat them if I have to). I don't care how yummy you think they are, my mouth says no way. If my nose doesn't like the smell of something, it tells my mouth to stay shut and the only I can truly open my mouth is to hold my breath while I put the food in. Not a very pleasant way to eat, quite honestly.

So, to force him to eat if it is sensory, is downright cruel in my opinion. I like the idea of fixing microwavable meals in bulk for him. Wished my mother could have done that when I was little. I didn't mind that if I didn't eat the meal in front of me I couldn't get anything else. Better to be a little hungry than to try to force these foods down my throat. Fortunately, my mother would usually have at least one thing on the plate I could eat.


Well-Known Member
Fortunately we didnt have to deal with this problem.

One thing I wanted to suggest to get some veggie items into him would be the V8 drinks that are fruit/V8 combo's. We have been giving them to our grand daughter since she was a year old and you really cant tell they are anything but fruit juice. She loves them.


New Member
I am of the old school that if it is on the table you eat it or you don't, but you don't get anything else(ie I only cook one meal.) Having said that, I do try to have foods that all like, with a new one in there too. The rule for new foods is that you have to take one bite, if you don't like it, fine don't eat it. This was a struggle when difficult child was younger. She hated veggies. Finally I asked her why and she said they were yucky.(Not real specific but at least I knew it was taste, not texture.) At that point we came to a compromise. She loves cheese, so I simply made a homemade version of cheese whiz and put it over broccoli and cauliflower and asked her to try them again with the cheese. She balked, but I said you love cheese and I bet you won't taste the broccoli. She tried it, and now loves veggies(except brussel sprouts lol). She will even eat the broccoli without the cheese. She used to be a carb and sweets kid, but now will eat almost anything. I do allow one food(or group in case of texture issues) that she and easy child's don't have to eat. They get to pick what that is. Everything else they have to at least taste.

When I make the meals, I do keep in mind what each doesn't like and try not to make a meal where all are foods people don't like. One item might be loved by all but one kid, but then there are other things on the table that he/she likes. difficult child has picked green peppers as her hated, won't eat food. So, the one exception to only one meal is if I make stuffed green peppers, I then ask difficult child what she wants for dinner and she helps me make it. She still has to sit at the table with the rest of us and eat, she just has something different then her hated peppers. It has taken years, but her tastes are broadening. easy child-B, has gone vegetarian, so she doesn't eat meat, but does sit with us at the table and eats what we have for dinner with the exception of the meat. She subsitiutes a "veggie meat" for her protien, and she makes it.(They are microwaveable).

I also have the kids help me plan the weekly menu, that way they know what is coming and can match a loved food with a not so liked one in the same meal so they can "mask" the not liked foods taste with the loved food. easy child-T is not so fond of steak, so he cuts the pieces small and puts his potatos over it to eat it. That way he tastes the potatos, but still gets his meats. We never trick them or lie to them, but teach "masking" techniques for tastes.

If it is a texture issue, well I guess don't push the issue. I have luckily not had that problem, so no real advise for that one.

Good luck.


Roll With It
First off, I am sorry you have these issues.

Does your son see an Occupational Therapist for the sensory issues? If yes, you probably already do brushing therapy. If you do see an Occupational Therapist (OT) and don't know the brushing therapy, ASK her to teach you or get a new Occupational Therapist (OT) and have them teach you.

If you don't see an Occupational Therapist (OT), GET ONE ASAP. And learn brushing. It helps the brain learn to handle sensory input, including food taste and textures. We had HUGE improvements in thank you after we learned brushing. We did it several times a day, never pushed food, just had healthy food around and at meals, and about 2 months after we started brushing we realized he was EATING regular meals as long as he wasn't allergic to anything in them!!!!

thank you is picky. Wiz would actually vomit if we tried to force foods. thank you will refuse to eat them. thank you has food allergies. Often stuff he refused at 3-4-5-6 yo was stuff that he would have a serious or not serious reaction to. serious is trouble breathing. Not serious is red cheeks, red bottom (even AFTER toilet training was over for years it would hurt to have a bowel movement as the food came out). There were also behavioral problems that came up when thank you had food he reacted to.

But he would refuse so MANY foods. We got a lot of help with brushing and with getting the junk food out of the house.

Keep the junk OUt of the house, or in a locked area only. Keep healthy food around. If you are sure he is not allergic, try that cookbook where the woman pureed veggies adn "snuck" them in the kids food. It might help.