

Well-Known Member

These rules have been in place since the kids were toddlers. It's just kinda how things are. As my daughter got older and the social aspect of "teenagehood" got in full swing, the room was cleaned before she went out or friends came over here on Saturday. That was just that. But seriously, I think it works because it's all they've ever known. I mean really, it's not fair to us to have to do when they are perfectly capable. Also, it's good training for when they go out on their own - they won't know how to do if they never did.

When the kids were really young, they had a job chart for money. At first they got a dime for every chore (separating the laundry, feeding the dog, carry up the laundry baskets, bringing around the empty recycle bin - age appropriate stuff) done with a smile. If they complained about it when asked, they didn't get the money but they still had to do the chore. They didn't get money for keeping their rooms clean because that was a given in the home. Some weeks they only got 30 cents and others they got 70 cents. But when they were really young, it really mattered.

As they got older, money was removed as an incentive to do chores and allowance was added but not tied to specific responsibilities. By then, they already were "trained" to have some responsibility around the house.
