How often do you change your sheets?


....Hopeful Now
Every 2-3 weeks or sooner if furbaby is in heavy shed mode.

Now as for making the bed.....if I had my way never, BUT husband was military so we have to make the bed daily. When he is out of town, the bed covers, sheets are a disaster when he gets home LOL

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Well-Known Member
I couldn't handle someone else cleaning my house - I'd have to clean it myself (again) before they got here.

I tidy before they arrive and put away anything I don't want them to see. To walk into a clean house with no dog hair, with a hint of a whiff of bleach in the bathrooms, knowing that when I sit down I won't see something that needs to be taken care of is nearly priceless - especially considering that sitting down or standing up is a chore in itself and that bending over is something I can no longer do without holding onto something solid, and that I don't have to ask husband to do it then listen to him go "sigh...." and act as though I am his mother and not his wife.


I totally agree witz. Knowing my house will be properly cleaned every other month has cut down on my self induced stress over failing to keep up with the housework and it has improved my marriage tenfold. A Cleaner is far cheaper than a divorce attorney!


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Staff member
Witz, that sounds about right. We have a 3200 square feet house and our housekeeper comes every two weeks and we pay $75 each time she comes. She also comes to do deep cleaning in the spring and fall and that costs $150 each time.

The housekeeper changes the sheets when she comes so ours are changed every two weeks unless one of the dogs gets sick inbetween.

Our housekeeper was here when difficult child overdosed on heroin and heard husband screaming difficult child's name and she called 911. She then took turns doing chest compressions with husband until the EMT's could get here. I guess you could say that she has a job for life.
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Well-Known Member
The cleaning ladies came today and did a wonderful job. I do need to ask them to shake out the area rugs next time, but other than that it is so much cleaner! I could never do that myself. No more asking (always feels like nagging) husband to help! YAY!


Active Member
I clean my sheets every two or three months. I am single and have been for a long time. Only I sleep in the bed and I always shower before I go to bed.


Active Member
Also, I have hired a cleaning crew before. It's a husband and wife and they are FANTASTIC AND SO TRUSTWORTHY! They are affordable and highly recommended. They charge $75.00 for basic standard home. They are like my fairy god parents when I am in over my head and can't do no more.

Here is a deep secret. My difficult child room use to get messy and filthy. Just total chaos. I know there was some weed pipes and even used condoms from her and her boyfriend for crying out loud and I just couldn't bring myself to clean it and it had to be clean because I rent my condo and that room was becoming destroyed. I asked my fantastic cleaning lady if she would help me (I was so embarrassed but down in the dumps and lethargic and needed so much help). So she did it, and when I came home there was a note in my kitchen with 2 beer bottles, some weed and a pipe and the note said "I found these in her room". * Cringe* I walk into my daughters room...

and the magic this lady did was impeccable and matched by none. My daughters room was sparkling from ceiling to floor, from wall to wall. She folded all my daughters clothes, hung them up, put them in drawers. And she even hung up some of her art work in such a beautiful way! (My daughter is a very talented artist) As I am looking around, I notice one little note on a perfectly polished and cleaned wooden night stand , and I went to go pick it up. It was an OLD letter that I wrote to my difficult child about how beautiful she was and that she was so much better than what she was choosing to do. It was a letter that came straight for my heart. Apparently, my cleaning lady found it while cleaning (she probably read it which I did not mind in the least) and laid it right next to difficult child's bed on the wooden tabled so difficult child would see it. I literally cried. Of all people, a cleaning lady is who gave me my most and only relief during my difficult child teen years.


Well-Known Member
Used to be every other day. We are in the process of looking for a new housekeeper, and I can only manage once a week. I make the bed daily, and we don't ha any pets. I kept can't stand the ice after more than 3 or 4 days with the same set of sheets.

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Well-Known Member
Once a week here....every now and then it rolls past the weekend if neither of us get a chance to change them. But, rarely would it make it to the next weekend....I LOVE fresh sheets!!!

Scent of Cedar *

Well-Known Member
Every Monday.

But regarding Suz's speculation about sheet changing frequency in our younger days?

I can confidently assert that in this day and time, I would never actually need to change the sheets again.


