human services vs psycologist


member since 1999
Hi and welcome - I am guessing that you're asking if there is a difference between the 2? I don't know for sure but I would think that a human services professional might encompass social workers, respite workers, etc. But also I would guess a psychologist *could* be considered a human services professional as well.

When in doubt, ask for credentials and/or certification. I think??? ;)


Well-Known Member
Here's a definition of Human Service Professional that I found on google:

Human service professionals can hold various job titles, including human service worker, case management aide, social work assistant, community support worker, mental health aide, community outreach worker, life skill counselor or gerontology aide. They usually work under the direction of professionals from a variety of fields, such as nursing, psychiatry, psychology, rehabilitative or physical therapy or social work.
Job opportunities for human service professionals are expected to be very good. This is especially true for entry-level professionals who will be needed to replace advancing or retiring workers.
Opportunities are expected to be best in job-training programs, residential care facilities and private social service agencies, which include services such as adult daycare and meal delivery programs. In addition, human service professionals will continue to be needed to provide services to pregnant teenagers, the homeless, the mentally disabled and developmentally challenged, and those with substance-abuse problems.

Note the section I marked in red - sounds like a human service professional would work under the supervision of a psychologist.
