I didn't know that dogs could cough up fur balls!



In my personal experience, furballs are among the less interesting things dogs have coughed up (and among the least smelly).

Mama Raygun

New Member
To Terry:
I know u were kidding but i gotta do my vet tech duties and warn, Never use NSAIDS on a dog!! it will mess up thier stomach so bad.... you will end up with much nastier problems than chewed up stuff!!!!!!!! :)


Well-Known Member
Oh, so THAT's why you're supposed to wash your hands after handling money ... lol.

Threeshadows, I am soooo afraid to look at that link. Ewww. Can just imagine what it is.


Quid me anxia?
If you have wiped a baby's butt you will be able to read the link. Have you ever seen what an owl regurgitates?

I'm with your husband, LOVE all this stuff, dead bugs and all. Did you ever see The Gods Must Be Crazy? The wild life expert, trying to impress a young lady, tells her he collects animal poop for a living.


Coprolite. A fun word you learn when you have a kid interested in dinos. And their leavings.

Hound dog

Nana's are Beautiful
Step, so that's why he's not hacking up hairballs anymore?? Hmm.

No drooling. Lots of sneezing, though. I've yet to figure out what is making him sneeze.........It's getting a bit disgusting, but no way I'm going to attempt to get benedryl down a cats throat. I like my skin too much. lol


New Member
I had a dalmatian that ate a box of 64 crayons, the only thing left was the sharpener. Very colorful back yard for a while afterwards.

Once had a boxer that would eat anything. Cassette tape (the entire thing, cover and all). Skeleton keys (literally walked up to the door and sucked it down). The ex's tie tack - 3 times (you'd think someone would have learned to not leave it there after the first time). And those hanging "icicles" off of Christmas trees. They would stick to his mouth as he walked past and he must have developed a liking for them, the entire tree from his head level down was bare.


Well-Known Member
What worked for me was putting the garbage can up on top of the dryer where the dogs couldn't reach it. My utility room is right off the kitchen so it's only a few steps further. Ragan was my little garbage-digging girl. She absolutely loves butter and if there was a butter-wrapper in the trash, she would dump the can over, get it out, and lick all the butter off of it. If you've ever tried to sweep wet coffee grounds off of your kitchen floor ... But her biggest weakness was those little absorbant liners that the grocery store puts between the meat and the styrofoam tray it's packaged in, and sometimes she'd chew up the styrofoam tray itself. She ate some of these liners and I didn't know she had done it until they came out the other end - still in one piece! Some of these liners are like thick paper towels, some are more like absorbant foam, and some have a thin layer of plastic fused to one side. Scared me to death because these things can very easily cause an intestinal obstruction that requires surgery. I know a girl who lost her much-loved large-breed dog after he ate a plastic bag that he found in the garbage can. They didn't know he had eaten it until it caused an intestinal obstruction and he started vomiting and refused to eat. Many x-rays and two expensive surgeries later, he died from infection and bleeding and they were heartbroken. And swallowing sharp plastic objects can easily perforate their stomach or intestines and cause severe problems. It's a lot of trouble but you really REALLY need to be super careful that they don't have access to these things. Easier said than done when you have kids, I know, but the alternative can be losing your dog.


Shooting from the Hip
Lisa, yeah. Our vet told us to give the kittehs Vaselina (just a little), or grease of some kind. Helps the hair slide out the other end. Yes, yuck.

He's probably getting grease in his nose...