I Have To Vent!!!


just me
Well, difficult child 2 has to go to doctor on Monday after 4-5 months on clonidine(not helping). She has said he has to be 4 to be evaluated for any "disorders". so for now he has disruptive behavior disorder. he starts pre-k next month but I KNOW that will not last as he behaves as he does. Can I insist they do something? He will be 4 in 3 weeks. Plus pediatrician. is sending him to speech therapy for delays and feedinf trouble. He won't eating anything mushy. Most kids love icecream and cake but not him. and I also was told I will probably lose his Tenncare(medicaid) because for some reason they think we have too much money. YEAH RIGHT!! A family of four trying to survive on one income of $11.00 per hour plus child support being taken out. We CANNOT afford private insurance and I am afraid my kids won't get the treatment they need cause I cannot pay for it. I am just so frustrated with EVERYTHING!! I don't know what to do and difficult children behavior is getting worde by the day. He hits his OLDER brother all the time and hurts the dog etc. I just had to vent. Thanks for listening!!


I'm sorry things are so rough right now.

What kind of doctor are you seeing Monday?

Certain disorders -- like autism spectrum disorder -- can be diagnosed earlier than age 4, but are frequently missed. difficult child 2 has some red flags for that disorder, including delayed speech and sensory sensitivities. It may be that the doctor you're seeing is not the right kind to rule in or out Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD).


Well-Known Member
I'm thinking he sounds like he has some sort of Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD). You may want to take this online test. If you are very honest, it can strongly indicate if your child may be on the autism spectrum. His dislike of mushy food is a common symptom (sensory issues) as is his speech problems. If so, I'd take him to a neuropsychologist. They do the best evaluations for everything. It is nonsense that a child can not be diagnosed before age four. And there is no guarantee that a child will get the RIGHT diagnosis. at four. It's a work in progress. Meanwhile, give this a look:


Active Member
Start preparing for you Tenncare appeal incase they do take it away.

Make a list of:
1. ALL income
2. ALL household expenses (rent/mortgage, gas/electric, utilities, ect.
3. ALL medical bills from the last three months
I don't know how medicaid works - do you get info stating how much that program has paid out per service?
Maybe you can ask the providers for a copy of your financial record showing charges less payments.
This list will include expenses from EVERYONE in your family - doctor, dental, vision, hospital, therapist, psychiatrist, ect.
4. ALL educational expenses for each person in the family -
Keep receipts for school supplies - list any out of pocket expenses school is asking for whatever the reason - for example - mandatory lunch room fee, etc. - tuition
5. ALL assets - savings, checkings, vehicles, property

Maybe you know this already - Make sure you don't let them drop this without appealing the decision. Hopefully someone will look at this before closing and realize it is wrong to close.


Active Member
I agree this sounds like a possible Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD). And you don't have to wait until age 4. We keep hearing this one, though.

Besides - he's close enough to 4 years old now, I would insist at this next appointment. "OK, we've tried the medications for months, they make no difference, you said not to assess before 4 years old - we'll he's close enough to that now to make no difference, so please set it up."

Here's hoping the doctor does something helpful. If you do that Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD) test that MWM suggested, you can print it out (regardless of result) and take it with you to the doctor, see what she says.



just me
Thanks for the link to the Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD) screening. From the result he has moderate to severe Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD). Great tool!! Thanks again!!


Active Member
Print out the test - it will print out with your results also.

On each question there is another hot link, to the detailed explanation of how to exactly answer that question just right, and not over- or under-estimate your answer. I remember I was concerned that I might be choosing the category for my child too harshly, judging my kid as more disabled that he was. The explanations and careful definitions made it much easier. It also made it easier for me to really understand that I had not labelled my child as more handicapped tan he was. That way, if anyone accused me of fudging the results to get the answer i wanted, I felt confident that I hadn't done any such thing.

Print the result and take it to the next doctor's appointment, see what the doctor says.

I met a woman today who has a ten year old child with Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD) diagnosed, but what level Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD) still being assessed. We were comparing notes. her son is in mainstream schooling and so far doing OK. He's also got ADHD signs but no medications, because he seems to be able to manage. It reminded me what a contrast that is for difficult child 3 - the medications were almost miraculous, in how they helped him. difficult child 3 started his medications at the age of 3, to deal with the ADHD that he has on top of the Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD) (autism, in difficult child 3's case). We copped a lot of flak for "drugging our child" but the difference was so amazing, so much better, that very soon the only people being critical were people who didn't know him or hadn't seen him before the medications.

I'm glad it looks like you're getting some solid answers at last.

Now it's time to get this put to some practical use, and have someone help you with some practical supports. Dept of Ed should help with funding once you've got a diagnosis on apiece of paper to show them. You should be able to get some level of support for Early Intervention - check out the Special Education forum for more info.
