I really feel like I'm losing my mind...


Well-Known Member
I agree with Lisa...who removes recess from a 5 year old? Are they nuts? That is asking for trouble.

I keep telling Linda that I know why Keyana is acting up in school. She is confused and she isnt understanding what they are asking of her. Also I want to know how much play time is built in to the day. At 4 they need lots of active stuff, not just seat work.


Well-Known Member
Ohhhhhh, I'm sorry Mary. {{hugs}}

On days like that, I just take a nap, either with-a hot pack or ice pack.

I make short lists of things to do. I found that when I make a list of everything, it's as overwhelming as having no list at all. So I'll just make a list of phonecalls, and that's all I'll do one day. The next, I'll make a list of household issues, such as "pay bills, take out trash."

I made myself a graphic that I taped to my wall. It's a cartoon elephant with-polka dots swirling around it, and above it I wrote, "How do you eat an elephant?"

It is an excellent reminder.

Some days, you can't eat even one bite. You just lick your lips and swallow while you're looking at the elephant. :sigh: