I should not feel so relieved,but i do


Well-Known Member
My 32 year old former difficult child turned easy child called and asked if he could move in for a bit. I sat on it for a minute and finally texted him this morning that i would have to ponder a minute about what conditions I would have to put in place for this to work. He texted back that he had found a place. He is doing very well in the job dept. He is now an RN after many rocky years of being an adult difficult child. It is time for him to be on his own.

O.K. so why do I still feel that mommy tug that wants to take care of all her babies and at the same time WHEEEEH relief?


Well-Known Member
Phew/Whew! Close call. As far as your feelings....that's ingrained in Moms, even when difficult child's are involved.
Hugs DDD
Good job, Mommy! Good job kid, too. Sounds like he got scared for a bit and didn't want to fail, and went for his old fall-back. It's very good that he figured it out.


Active Member
Excellent! I don't think the mommy tug will ever go away. And it sounds like difficult children first choice was not to come home, which is good. He knows you have boundaries! :)


Well-Known Member
I think perfectly normal for both of you actually. In these days, sometimes kids - even easy child kids- have to call parents and ask for help sometimes because of the economy. Im glad he found a place on his own. That was probably not a very difficult child thing as much as a cant find a place because Im moving for a job and need a stopping point fast thing.